07 December 2008

Homeward Bound

Time to leave le rocher - one last look at the battlements - just below Fort Antoine - as we walk down towards the car park. In the distance you see Cap Martin and beyond that, Italy.

06 December 2008

Fête Nationale - the little Princess

Little girls are little girls, even if they are royal. Here you see Princess Alexandra with her mother, Princess Caroline - the eldest of Prince Albert's two sisters. Red stockinged foot through the balustrade, watching the excitement below.

In the smaller photograph you see Princess Alexandra with her father Prince Ernest August of Hanover and her half sister, Charlotte Casiraghi.

Both photographs taken by Maggie Calkins - thankyou Maggie!

05 December 2008

Fête Nationale - Prince Albert II

Here is Monaco's much-loved, Prince Albert waving at the crowds. This photograph was taken by my friend, Maggie Calkins, a professional photographer. She has a Canon EOS 40D.

I didn't know, at the time - (as Maggie did) - that the crowd rush forward and stand below the balcony - see yesterday's photograph. I'd stayed on the Press Stand. None of my zoomed shots are sharp enough. I ran forward too late and the one below is all I got. Taken in a rush and as you see, not remotely of the quality of Maggie's. You see Prince Albert with Princess Stephanie on the right. In the background, their nephew, Pierre Casiraghi, the son of Princess Caroline.

For anyone who doesn't remember, Albert, Caroline and Stephanie are the children of the late Prince Rainier and Princess Grace (formerly Grace Kelly, the American actress).

Tomorrow - more of Maggie's photographs of the Prince and his family. Thankyou, Maggie!

04 December 2008

Fête Nationale - Homage to the Prince

Probably the most moving moment of the Fête Nationale is when the barriers are pulled back and the Monégasque citizens and residents are allowed to surge forward, wave their flags and cheer their Prince.

Tomorrow we'll see some close-ups of the Prince and his family.

03 December 2008

Fête Nationale - On Parade!

Displays - marching - music - police, soldiers, firemen - lots of colour, lots of noise and a very enthusiastic crowd.

02 December 2008

Fête Nationale - the Crowd

A small (and young) part of the crowd waiting for Prince Albert II and his family to appear on the balcony.

01 December 2008

Theme Day: Circles/Spheres - Fangio's Wheels

Once again it's Theme Day. Today's Theme is Circles/Spheres and here you see the steering wheel of the late, great Fangio's Mercedes-Benz. It's a sculpture that stands on one corner of Port Hercule in Monaco. As you see in the smaller photo - the centre of the wheel features the famous Mercedes-Benz logo.

Juan Manuel Fangio was Grand Prix World Champion five times in the 1950s. (Click on the link to see the entire sculpture).

Bloggers from 187 different cities around the world are taking part in today's Theme and will, I know, interpret this theme in a myriad of fascinating ways. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

30 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides

Alongside yesterday's folk dancers, were a group of scouts and guides. I didn't see any of the dancers dance or these young people parade - they simply formed a circle in front of the spectators to honour the Prince and his family.

29 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the Folk Dancers

A group of young folk dancers being told where to stand by a policeman and the lady in the red jacket.

28 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the story of the Press Stand

A close up of invited dignitaries waiting outside the palace for Prince Albert II and his family to appear at the balcony.

I should tell you that I took these photographs from the Press Stand - and of course I have no Press Pass. When I walked over from the cathedral I saw the enormous press stand - two or three tiers tall. I stood in front of it, as did dozens of tourists. Soon afterwards and before the cameras and film crews arrived, an official cleared everyone away - but me. This because I was using a tripod and he must have assumed I was a press person! Well, a blog is a sort of journalism, isn't it?

Later, I gained in confidence and found myself standing alongside the 'big boys' on the top level - me taking photographs with my Panasonic Lumix - they with lenses as long as a football pitch (I exaggerate but only a little). The reason the press stand was so big and holding so many press and international television crews was because rumour had it that Prince Albert would take this occasion to announce his engagement to his South African girl-friend, the Olympic swimmer Charlene Wittstock. It didn't happen.

Eventually another official came and asked me for my Press pass. Luckily I was talking to two friends, both with official press passes and I said, 'I'm with them' and my friends very kindly pretended they hadn't heard me. I was treated with such politeness by all the officials, even with an apology for asking me. French is such a wonderfully polite language, isn't it? And in my defence, I didn't get in anyone's way.

Truth is, I'm surprised my camera could take this photograph. Even tho it's not completely sharp, it's not bad considering I was an AWFUL long way away.

27 November 2008

Fête Nationale - Guest Accommodation

After the ceremony in the cathedral, invited guests walk back to the palace, where they wait either side of the main entrance. Soon the Prince and his family will arrive - and then the displays will begin.

26 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the Flag Carrier

We've walked over from the cathedral and are now in the square. The palace is behind us. Everyone has been given flags and scarves in Monaco's colours.

This is Zarina, who lives in Monaco. Her two Golden Retrievers are called Aston and Bentley - someone in the family likes cars! You can see another photograph of these lovely dogs - wide awake - on Riviera Dogs today.

25 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the Judges

Waiting to enter the cathedral - are they judges? I've asked a couple of friends but so far no one knows. They didn't walk over with all the members of the legal profession - see photos a couple of days ago.

Note the small film crew on the left getting ready to interview a member of the clergy.

24 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the Clergy

The clergy enter the cathedral. Incense is creating the mist you see.

23 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the Law Courts

Yesterday, we saw members of the legal profession about to enter the cathedral. Dressed in red, they'd just walked down this beautiful staircase of the Palais de Justice, followed by those you see above - in black.

Red and black, robes flowing, moving fast, animated. It was theatrical. dramatic and so impressive.

22 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the Weight of the Law

Clad in their bright red robes, members of the legal profession are about to enter Monaco's beautiful cathedral.

Built in 1875 using stone from La Turbie, the present-day Cathedral stands on the site of a 13th century church dedicated to Saint Nicolas and houses the tombs of the former Princes of Monaco. It is also the final resting place of Monaco's much loved Prince Rainier and Princess Grace, the parents of H.S.H. Prince Albert II.

21 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the Call

Everyone needs a cell phone these days.

20 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the Guests

The mass in the cathedral is by invitation only. The building on the left is a corner of the Palais de Justice (law courts). The cathedral is to the right of the photograph.

Tomorrow - more guests.

19 November 2008

Fête Nationale - the Prince's Carabinieri

We've left Eze village for a while as we have interesting goings on in Monaco. Today is the Fête Nationale - a important day for Monégasques citizens when they get the opportunity to show their love and respect for their Prince - Albert II.

Monaco is a tiny principality of only 2 kilometres - the second smallest state in the world. It has just over 6000 citizens and 40,000 residents and a history that goes back over 700 years.

It's coming up to 10 a.m. and we are standing outside the cathedral on le rocher (the rock) waiting for the arrival of the royal family to celebrate mass. You see the Prince's Carabinieri in attendance.

Tomorrow, let's take a look at others who are waiting to enter the cathedral. And then later, we'll walk to the Palace and see the parades and glimpse the Prince, the Princesses and the rest of the royals as they enjoy music at the Palace balcony.

18 November 2008

Eze Village - Wall decor

A hole in the wall - so let's put a flower pot in it. I love that people decorate a street even if it's not part of their property - and presumably water the ivy from time to time.
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