15 July 2009

Tour de France - Wheels

No, not some awful accident on the Tour de France, but one of the 'Artistes dans la Rue' series celebrating the Tour starting in Monaco. (Don't know the name of this piece or the artist as the info wasn't displayed).

14 July 2009

Tour de France - Heads Up!

One of the dummies used in the publicity caravan (click on link for example).

13 July 2009

Tour de France - the Combativity Jersey

You're looking at the Liquigas Team, who have just been presented to the crowds in Monaco and are riding away from the podium, throwing toys at the audience. You can see one in Franco Pellizotti's hand in the small photo. Yesterday, this courageous man won the red 'combativity' jersey, which is awarded at each stage by a committee.

Yes I didn't know there was anything other than the Yellow Jersey but in fact there are other coloured jerseys too.

Personally I've never had any interest in the Tour de France before it came to Monaco. I'd read about doping, of course, I loved to see Lance Armstrong on the podium in Paris but that was about it. Now I'm a daily addict. First of all, whether you are interested in cycling or not, turn on the television - French or Eurosport - or whatever you get, because the feed is the same - if you want to see France in all its glory, you'll see it here. You get amazing helicopter shots of monasteries on the top of inaccessible mountains, you see rivers and villages as you've never seen them before - alongside a potted history. You get restaurant recommendations, what to do, where to go - but of course that's during the less exciting parts of the ride.

Yesterday's stage was 160 kilometres in the Pyrénées, with two high peaks to climb, one at over 2000 feet and a long and very dangerous fast descent to the Finish. After 12 ks four riders pushed ahead, but later, just two remained and one is the guy you see here. For much of the ride they were around 4.5 minutes ahead of the peloton, but a few kilometres before the finish line, the peloton started to catch up with the two leading riders until there was only 45 seconds in it but they kept going - goodness knows how? And then at the end, there was a final crazy lunge by the two of them. Pellizotto was 2nd and the winner was the other guy, Frenchman, Pierrick Féderigo, who won by about a wheel length. So it's no surprise to know that Pellizotto took the Combativity jersey. I was exhausted just watching...

Today is a rest day when the riders are flown to their next starting point.

12 July 2009

Tour de France - Alberto Contador

A pensive Alberto Contador at the welcome evening in Monaco. Considered by many to be the favourite for this year's Tour de France. In the overall classification, after yesterday's Stage 8 (the second in the Pyrénées) Nocentini is in first place, Contador second and 6 seconds behind. Armstrong is 3rd and 8 seconds behind. Nothing in it. Today another hard day's climb.

11 July 2009

Tour de France - the Mechanic

Utter concentration to get it right. This guy works for the Astana team. You see one of Lance Armstrong's bikes behind him - advertising his Livestrong Foundation. Lance rides of course in the Astana colours although it's in his contract to wear a helmet advertising his cancer foundation.

Go to Rob's Barcelona blog to see the peloton in the rain.

10 July 2009

Tour de France - the Fastest Rider

This is Mark Cavendish who rides for the Columbia team. He's already won two of the 'stages' so far in the Tour de France and being a sprinter, he's known as the faster rider in the world.

These photos were taken at dusk when each team was presented to the public the night before the race began. In the smaller photo, you see some of Monaco's yachts in the background.

Mark also comes from the Isle of Man, as does Babooshka.

Yesterday, the Tour finished in Barcelona with many accidents due to the rain. Take a look at Daily Photo Barcelona to see just how fast these guys go. It was a surprise win by the Norwegian rider Thor Hushovd, his first Yellow Jersey ever. Good for him!

Today the going gets even tougher as the riders make for the mountains. Go Lance!

09 July 2009

Tour de France - the Red Devil

You don't really expect to bump into the devil at the Tour de France, do you? It seems this particular devil is there every year and he had quite a following. In fact in the lower photograph he's been interviewed for a newspaper.

His name is Didi Senft from Germany and he's to be seen at every Tour de France with his oversized bicycle. I didn't see the bike else I'd have photographed it. It seems he makes these oversized bikes and normally haul his around the complete tour on a truck.

He calls himself The Red Devil because the final kilometre of each stage of the Tour is called The Red Devil's Lap.

08 July 2009

Tour de France - the Television Crews

The television crews in Monaco and now out on the road as the Tour crosses France towards Perpignan.

You can see how difficiult it is - look at the guy in the main photo - on a motorbike and he's got to get it right.

Very exciting race so far. Two stages won by the brilliant Mark Cavendish from the Columbia team (a nod to Babooshka as he comes from the Isle of Man) and the two Time Trials won by Cancellara of Saxobank. In the overall placings, Cancellara is winning by less than one second - and who is in second place? Yes, it's Lance Armstrong who missed out on the Yellow Jersey yesterday by that split second. Not bad for an ol' guy and the talk of the Tour.

Apologies for lack of comments lately. I've got a lousy flu bug that I can't shift and have been feeling rotten, so just posting is as much as I can do. Hopefully will be back on track soon. Meanwhile, thanks so much for your much appreciated comments.

07 July 2009

Tour de France - the Publicity Caravan

The Publicity Caravan travels with the tour. The sponsor of each team, throws cheap goodies to the crowd.

Yesterday, in Marseille, a child got hit in the eye by a sweet (candy) and ended up in hospital.

Monaco expected between 100,000 and 200,000 visitors for the Grand Depart of the Tour. The number was apparently 80,000 and some think less.

With the exception of hotels, which were nearly full, other businesses did badly - restaurants, stalls, sandwich bars etc. Stalls selling Tour t-shirts did badly but then these are given out free by the Publicity caravan.

You'll find another photo of this Caravan as it passed through Nice on Nice Daily Photo (July 6)

06 July 2009

Tour de France - the Tyre Man

Today we're at the Astana bus, where a mechanic is fixing a tyre on a wheel. And concentrating mightily. Astana is Armstrong and Contador's team.

05 July 2009

Tour de France - Measuring Up

Each bike is made to fit each member of the team. Here you see one of the mechanics at the Rabobank team measuring up.

04 July 2009

Tour de France - Lance Armstrong

Seven times winner of the Tour de France, the Texan Lance Armstrong retired four years ago. Now he's back! At 37, people wonder if it's a mistake but he looked pretty fit to me. When he appeared on the podium, the crowd went wild.

Standing next to Lance in the smaller photograph is race favourite, Alberto Contador - both race with the Astana team.

A bonus for spectators was the enormous screen alongside the podium, so we could all properly see what was going on.

Today, the Tour de France starts with the first 'race against the clock' - Monaco to Monaco - it's 15 kilometres of hills and flat, taking in La Turbie, Cap d'Ail and Roquebrune. Watch it on Eurosport!

03 July 2009

Tour de France - Monaco's Welcome

Yesterday evening, Monaco welcomed the Tour de France. Each team (there are 20) lined up on the podium in front of the port and each cyclist was individually introduced to the public. Then the leader in each team was interviewed - here you see the Cervélo team from Switzerland and the Spaniard, Carlos Sastre, who won the Tour de France in 2008.

Prince Albert of Monaco opened the proceedings - you see him in the smaller photograph - centre. On the left is Christian Prudhomme, Director of the Tour de France.

In the photo below: the crowds. We were apparently 9000 last night. When I got to this area of seating there was hardly a place to be had, so I walked down to the front, sat on the steps and there I stayed...it was all the best fun with a great atmosphere.

Over the next days, we'll meet the cyclists, we'll see how the engineers care for the bikes, we'll see the mad publicity caravan and we might even meet a devil!

Note: you can see last night's event on Eurosport television today.

02 July 2009

Tour de France - Le Cycliste

Le Cycliste by Louis Dollé is part of the Artistes dans la Rue exhibition in Monaco to welcome the Tour de France.

Statistics of the 2009 Tour de France:

180 cyclists.
20 teams.
200,000 visitors expected in Monaco.
350 million television spectators world-wide.
4,500 organisers - media, etc including 650 journalists.
170 vehicles that make up the 'caravan' of the tour.

Some of the Grand Prix stands have not yet been dismantled so that visitors can more easily view the Tour - access free.

01 July 2009

Theme Day: Empty

An 'empty' cycling jersey or maillot for today's 'Theme Day.'

The most famous cycle race in the world, the Tour de France, departs next Sunday from Monaco, with a Time Trial the day before. Whilst the Tour has passed through Monaco on occasion, it has never started here - a great honour for the Principality.

To honour the Tour, there are sculptures throughout Monte Carlo. Here we see the maillots by Héléna Krajewicz. These cycling shirts have been soaked in epoxy resine and are part of the current exhibition in Rue Princesse Caroline and Square Gastaud.

To see how other City Daily Photo bloggers from all over the world have interpreted today's Theme, please click here to view thumbnails.

30 June 2009

Tour de France - Mont Ventoux

This sculpture , which is near to Monaco's market, represents one of the mountains the cyclists will have to conquer in this year's Tour de France. Mont Ventoux is a climb of over 1000 metres and a 167 kilometres run. The red and white stone at the base has N7 written on it, the number of the road. Afficionados of the Tour will remember when Richard Virenque reached the summit of Mont Ventoux in 2002 - one of the Tour's great moments.

The plaque showing the artist's name was missing but when I find out, I'll add the name.

The hill in the background is the rocher (the rock) where you find the palace, the cathedral and the Oceanographic museum. This is the oldest part of Monaco.

The back up teams arrive in Monaco today but for several days now, we've seen cyclists everywhere, even on the Route de Gorbio, the road that leads to my village. Of course, it's hard to know if they are the real thing as even amateur cyclists wear all the gear but they looked pretty fit to me!

It's getting exciting - the first time in history that the Tour de France will start in Monaco.

29 June 2009

Tour de France - 'Super Eagles' - Lance Armstrong

One or two of the eagle sculptures featured in the gardens of Monaco relate to the Tour de France. This one is constructed using one of Lance Armstrong's bikes. The artist is Martin Caminiti. In the background, you see the doorman of the Metropole Hotel.

28 June 2009


One of our fellow bloggers is Amir in Iran (Tehran Live). Following the recent elections and after the 17th June, his blog was blocked and recently he was picked up and is now in prison. Today, the City Daily Photo Community is coming together in solidarity for our courageous friend and for freedom and democracy for the people of Iran.


For Updates on Amir - click on this link.

These photographs show a caged eagle by the artist Silvie Brière - this is part of an exhibition of eagles in the Casino Gardens and throughout the Principality. We'll see more after the Tour de France.

To see how other CDP bloggers are supporting our friend and the people of Iran, please click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

This great news came through the night of the 28th - and he is home with his family. Oh Happy Day!

27 June 2009

Tour de France - 'Quantum Physics'

Another sculpture, in honour of the Tour de France which departs from Monaco this year.

Place: Square Gastaud. The work: 'Quantum Physics' The artist: Cruiz.

26 June 2009

Tour de France - the Poster

Everywhere you look you see this poster. Not long now and the madness will begin.
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