01 August 2009

Theme Day: Night - Girls' Night Out

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

It's the first of the month and as always it's Theme Day in the City Daily Photo community. Today's theme is Night and this is a Girls' Night Out in Cap d'Ail, which adjoins Monaco. They are eating at Le Cabanon, a great little restaurant right on the rocks at the beach - very simple, great food.

To see how other bloggers in our world-wide City Daily Photo community have interpreted this theme - and I promise you there will be endless delights - please click here to view thumbnails for all participants

31 July 2009

Parade of Eagles - 'Love your Life'

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

This eagle is called 'Love your Life' and is by artist, Gitte Peters. It stands in the Casino Gardens.

30 July 2009

Parade of Eagles - 'Why?' again...

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

This is another shot of yesterday's eagle. Just loved how the little girls, dressed in white, are enjoying this sculpture. Please click on THIS LINK to read about Eric Brocchi, the artist, or simply look at yesterday's post.

29 July 2009

Parade of Eagles - 'Why?'

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

The Parade of Eagles is on the theme of ecology and the environment and in particular it speaks of the Bonelli eagle which is about to disappear in this region.

Today's eagle, displayed in the Casino Gardens, is called 'Why?' and is by Gorbio artist, Eric Brocchi. Gorbio is the village where I live and you can see Gorbio on Menton Daily Photo today.

Do click on Eric Brocchi's website to see him working on the eagle. It's fascinating.

28 July 2009

Parade of the Eagles - "L'Aigle de la Paix''

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

This sculpture in the Casino Gardens is by Anna Chromy and is called The Eagle of Peace.

27 July 2009

Parade of the Eagles - 'Giving Wings - the Protector'

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

Soaring high above the Casino Gardens, this is 'Giving Wings - the Protector' by Zivo.

26 July 2009

Parade of the Eagles - 'Hawkology'

Photos & Text Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

In the Jardins des Boulegrins, we see Hawkology by Anthony Alberti.

25 July 2009

Parade of the Eagles - Cartier's 'Eagle Eye'

Photos & Text Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

What is so interesting about this year's display in Monaco is that it's not only in the Casino Gardens, but is all over the Principality. In addition, whilst all the eagles have been decorated by artists, some, like this one, have been decorated by a commercial company. Here you see 'Eagle Eye' decorated by the Studio de Creation of Cartier, the jewellers and displayed outside their Monte Carlo shop. You'll note, being Cartier, the diamond eye (well, alright, perhaps not a real diamond).

24 July 2009

Parade of the Eagles - 'Unchain my Heart'

Photos & Text Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Outside the casino and getting a lot of attention from the visitors, is 'Unchain my Heart' by Fanny Blanchlande.

All 55 eagles will be auctioned at the end of the exhibition in October - profits go to Prince Albert's Foundation.

23 July 2009

Parade of the Eagles - Buzz Aldrin 1969

There's an exhibition of 55 decorated eagles throughout the Principality. There are four different shapes that the various artists could choose from - ie flying, standing, etc.

This one is called 'The Eagle has Landed' - Buzz Aldrin 1969 - on the Moon. The artist is Patrice Borrello.

If I'd been concentrating I'd have put this particular eagle on Monte Carlo Daily Photo two days ago - ie the 40th anniversary of those first footsteps on the moon. Buzz Aldrin himself will be in Monaco on Monday the 27th July where he will be guest of honour at a party organised by Prince Albert.

22 July 2009

Gustave Eiffel's Cupola

This is the beautiful cupola of the Winter Garden in the Hotel Hermitage - designed by no less than Gustave Eiffel of the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris.

21 July 2009

The Winter Garden

This is the Winter Garden of the beautiful Belle Epoque HĂŽtel Hermitage. Tomorrow, the cupola.

20 July 2009

Driving Shoes?

About time we had a Monte Carlo lady so here are two for good measure. Two pretty ladies outside the HĂŽtel de Paris so naturally they get a doorman each.

I want to know how she drives in those high heels?

Tour de France update - yesterday saw Alberto Contador make his move and he looks unbeatable. Lance Armstrong is in second place, Bradley Wiggins is third. Today is a rest day - I need it!

Here is a fascinating article from the New York Times on what the riders eat on the Tour. Thanks so much for Kate from Visual St. Paul for sending it to me.

19 July 2009


Made of tiny mosaic tiles, is this a copy of a Modigliani or an original work, in his style? It decorates the terrace of a restaurant, Quai des Artistes, along one side of the port.

Tour de France update: The main positions haven't changed much. However yesterday Mark Cavendish was disqualified for apparently edging a competitor into the barriers at the end of the race. The commentators, looking at it from an aerial shot, said the road simply narrowed. Am sure there will be an appeal by the Columbia team.

And awful news - a woman spectator was killed and two others injured, by a police motorbike. The leading group of riders passed through her village and suddenly she ran across the road, before the pelaton had arrived, and the bike hit her. Too awful.

18 July 2009

Lavinia's Shoe

I met Lavinia's shoe at a lunch party in Beaulieu. It's a very Monte Carlo shoe, don't you think?

We've left the Tour de France for the moment, although it continues of course. If anything happens that relates to any photos I have, of course I'll post them. Yesterday two riders got shot with pellets - not seriously hurt but not nice! Police are investigating.

17 July 2009

Tour de France - 'E-Cycliste'

Another sculpture in the Artistes dans la Rue series commemorating the start of the Tour de France in Monaco. This time by Bruno Mendonça. We are in Square Gastaud, which is tucked away behind the port. It's a WiFi point so you see people sitting on the benches using their laptops. Not a bad place to read your emails.

16 July 2009

Tour de France - the Cards

This pretty little art shop is to be found in a back street near to the port. I think these cards have been designed, specially for the Tour, by celebrities.

15 July 2009

Tour de France - Wheels

No, not some awful accident on the Tour de France, but one of the 'Artistes dans la Rue' series celebrating the Tour starting in Monaco. (Don't know the name of this piece or the artist as the info wasn't displayed).

14 July 2009

Tour de France - Heads Up!

One of the dummies used in the publicity caravan (click on link for example).

13 July 2009

Tour de France - the Combativity Jersey

You're looking at the Liquigas Team, who have just been presented to the crowds in Monaco and are riding away from the podium, throwing toys at the audience. You can see one in Franco Pellizotti's hand in the small photo. Yesterday, this courageous man won the red 'combativity' jersey, which is awarded at each stage by a committee.

Yes I didn't know there was anything other than the Yellow Jersey but in fact there are other coloured jerseys too.

Personally I've never had any interest in the Tour de France before it came to Monaco. I'd read about doping, of course, I loved to see Lance Armstrong on the podium in Paris but that was about it. Now I'm a daily addict. First of all, whether you are interested in cycling or not, turn on the television - French or Eurosport - or whatever you get, because the feed is the same - if you want to see France in all its glory, you'll see it here. You get amazing helicopter shots of monasteries on the top of inaccessible mountains, you see rivers and villages as you've never seen them before - alongside a potted history. You get restaurant recommendations, what to do, where to go - but of course that's during the less exciting parts of the ride.

Yesterday's stage was 160 kilometres in the Pyrénées, with two high peaks to climb, one at over 2000 feet and a long and very dangerous fast descent to the Finish. After 12 ks four riders pushed ahead, but later, just two remained and one is the guy you see here. For much of the ride they were around 4.5 minutes ahead of the peloton, but a few kilometres before the finish line, the peloton started to catch up with the two leading riders until there was only 45 seconds in it but they kept going - goodness knows how? And then at the end, there was a final crazy lunge by the two of them. Pellizotto was 2nd and the winner was the other guy, Frenchman, Pierrick Féderigo, who won by about a wheel length. So it's no surprise to know that Pellizotto took the Combativity jersey. I was exhausted just watching...

Today is a rest day when the riders are flown to their next starting point.
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