19 November 2009

Parking Ticket for an Aston Martin

An Aston Martin Vantage gets a parking ticket - well you don't go parking on a zebra crossing outside Cartier, do you? This car seemed to attract attention - and not just from the police woman. I wasn't sure if it was the car itself that was of interest or that it is registered in Andorra.

18 November 2009

Body Parts

This is the Lanvin shop in Casino Square. The casino itself and a couple crossing the square are reflected in the glass.

The smaller photo is the original - before cropping. Which do you prefer or do you not care for either? I won't be offended! I'm really not sure if this works or not.

17 November 2009

Lights at Dusk

Dusk - and the lights have come on in the Casino Gardens.

In the smaller photo, the lights are set against the backdrop of a beautiful tree. I believe it's Chorisia Speciosa or more commonly, the Silk Floss Tree.

16 November 2009

"Lady Nag Nag"

Let's hope the name of the boat isn't an omen for him.

No sun in Monaco yesterday - happily some people don't notice grey days...

15 November 2009

Café de Paris - the Seafood Servery

Outside the Café de Paris. The waiter stands outside the window from which seafood is served - lobsters, langoustines, oysters, sea urchins, prawns etc. The people you see sitting are taking simply a coffee or a cold drink.

Lunch is served either inside the restaurant with its beautiful Art Nouveau panels or in an area along from here and much further back.

These are a few of the many good 'people-watching' tables - one of the pleasures of taking a coffee in Monaco.

14 November 2009


Three men and three women. Celine: a shop in Avenue des Beaux-Arts just off Casino Square. As you can see it's a grey and miserable day in Monaco. The sun doesn't always shine!

13 November 2009

The Port of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat - the Dog

Look around any harbour and you'll find dogs on boats.

"Yesterday I was a dog. Today I'm a dog. Tomorrow I'll probably still be a dog. Sigh! There's so little hope for advancement."

~ Charles M. Schulz

12 November 2009

The Port of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat - the Crab

Wander the port and you find all sorts of sea creatures...

"When a crab's pissed it walks forward."

~ Ricky Gervais

11 November 2009

The Port of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat - the Manoeuvre

Whilst we ate our first course, we watched these two gentleman load up their boat and then somehow manoeuvre it between the other boats to get out to open sea. Not a lot of room in this port.

10 November 2009

The Port of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat - Le Pirate

Lunch for this lady and her partner - but first, a glass of champagne.

My restaurant recommendation for Saint Jean would be Le Sloop, but it was closed. We chose Le Pirate - just a few yards away, a much cheaper restaurant but with the same idyllic view of the boats right by our table and good food too.

We ate from a 22 euro menu. Pissaladière for one of us to begin, chèvre chaud for the other - both served with a well-dressed salad of lamb leaves and roquette. And after we both had a prawn risotto. A Provence rosé to drink.

09 November 2009

The Port of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat - the Boats

Boats at rest - waiting for their owner's return.

08 November 2009

The Port of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat - the Restaurants

We've arrived in the small port of Saint Jean on Cap Ferrat. Let's stroll along the port and find somewhere to eat lunch. We'll look at the menus, see if a place looks busy - and then decide. Let's hope we make a good decision.

This father walked up and down, up and down. I suppose he was trying to rock his baby to sleep.

07 November 2009

Villa Kérylos - One Last Look

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

Our last day at Villa Kérylos - a quick look around and we see a beautiful bronze set against a frescoed wall and in the smaller photo - a stunning ceiling.

Tomorrow: lunch by the port of Saint Jean on Cap Ferrat. Do come along.

06 November 2009

Villa Kérylos - the Working Man

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

Like all famous houses open to the public, Villa Kérylos needs an immense amount of tender loving care. This post is dedicated to Chuckeroon of Richmond-upon-Thames Daily Photo who recently posted on 'The Working Man' at Ham House. Please click on the link.

Of course, to match Chuckeroon's passion, the photo should be Black and White but with the Mediterranean outside the window, I couldn't do it.

Tomorrow - our last day at the Villa and then...lunch at the port of Saint Jean on Cap Ferrat. Everyone welcome!

05 November 2009

Villa Kérylos -the Garden

From this part of the garden we look across to the Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat peninsula, dotted with magnificent mansions.

The garden contains a mixture of typically Greek plants: olive trees and vines, pomegranate and carob trees, acanthus and myrtle, oleanders and irises, pine and cypress trees, palm trees and papyrus all help create a Grecian look and feel in the Mediterranean sunshine.

04 November 2009

Villa Kérylos - the Gallery of Antiques

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

Located at sea level, the “Galerie des Antiques” is a collection of life-size casts of the finest classical Grecian statues, such as the famous Belvedere Apollo, the Venus de Milo and the Discobolus, the originals of which are in Rome, Florence, Naples and the Louvre museum.

Visitors can see statues of the ancient gods and goddesses who played such an important part in Greek civilisation: Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis, Apollo and Ares.

03 November 2009

Villa Kérylos - the Triklinos

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

In every room there are frescoes and mosaics inspired by ancient documents, depicting scenes from Greek mythology. Visitors can see the death of Talos after winning the Golden Fleece, the return of Hephaestus to Olympia and the main events in the legend of Pelops and the life of Apollo.

The frescoes in these photos are presented as a frieze in the Triklinos, which is the banqueting hall of the villa.

02 November 2009

Villa Kérylos - the Balaneion

The 'balaneion', is a private bathroom found in luxury houses in ancient Greece. This is made of Carrera tiger marble.

It was customary for ancient Greeks to relax in such rooms before their evening meal.

01 November 2009

Theme Day: 'Doorways' - the Prince's Palace

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

It's Theme Day again and the subject is 'doorways' and in Monaco, why not the doorway to the Prince's Palace on le rocher? And a second doorway - this time the doorway to one of the sentry boxes.

To see how at least 100 City Daily Photo bloggers from around the world have interpreted today's Theme, do click on the link to be delighted and intrigued. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

31 October 2009

Villa Kérylos - a Room with a View

Copyright 2009 Monte Carlo Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

Inside the Greek villa, there is beauty everywhere. Look outside and it's not bad either.
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