07 February 2010

3 Years of Monte Carlo Daily Photo - Paint the Town RED!

This is one of the Lanvin windows in Casino Square. They do great windows and that red dress seems just right to celebrate Monte Carlo Daily Photo's 3rd birthday - 365 posts each year and not a day missed. And the same again - on Menton Daily Photo.

Joining the City Daily Photo community has truly changed my life bringing a new field of creativity, so many new and valued friends and even a new job as journalist/photographer for CITYOUT Côte d'Azur. None of this would have happened without our dear Eric Tenin who started it all with Paris Daily Photo - thank you, Eric, and thank you to Demosthenes and Igor who keep us up and running every day.

Thanks to my fellow bloggers, some of whom I've been lucky enough to meet, others are valued friends from afar. So many of you, over these three years, have helped and encouraged me and even more of you inspire me. And thank you to everyone, blogger or not, who takes a look at my photographs each day.

I know I'm lucky to live in such a beautiful place and the pleasure for me in blogging is to share the place I love so much. Photography has changed the way I see the beauty around me. Once I used to just 'look' but now, thanks to seeing my world through the lens of a camera, I really 'see' it. How lucky I am.

How I wish I could offer you all a glass or two of champagne but please enjoy a virtual bottle of bubbly anyway!

06 February 2010

The Festival of Sainte Dévote - the Choirboys

As I was photographing outside the cathedral a friend saw me and asked me to photograph her son who was one of the choirboys. 'Which one?' I asked. Her daughter ran over and told me he was 4th in line, so I waited a few seconds and snapped.

Do come back tomorrow and celebrate Monte Carlo Daily Photo's 3rd birthday.

05 February 2010

The Festival of Sainte Dévote - the Blessing

The entire procession has moved from the Palace to the ramparts which overlook Port Hercule. Here, the Archbishop of Monaco holds the precious relic of the martyred Sainte Dévote whose body was washed up in a small boat on the shores of the Principality in the year 304.

As you can see I was shooting into the light but let's pretend I meant these shots to be 'arty' (I didn't!) - next time I'll know where to stand as per the official photographers you see in the main photograph. I still like the feeling of the photographs tho, showing the seriousness and sense of purpose of the participants on this Fête Day for Monaco's revered patron saint.

Do come back on Sunday when Monte Carlo Daily Photo celebrates its 3rd birthday.

04 February 2010

The Festival of Sainte Dévote - the Clergy

A few members of the clergy, seen here in the Place du Palais. We met the Archbishop HERE.

03 February 2010

The Festival of Sainte Dévote - the Relic

This is what the parade is all about - the relic of Saint Dévote. In the year 304, when the boat containing the body of the martyred body was washed up on the shore of Monaco, some fishermen stole a substantial fragment of bone. An angry mob burnt the thieves’ vessel, and ever since, a fishing boat has been symbolically burnt in memory not just of the saint but of the recovery of her remains.

Look carefully and you will see the relic of bone in the golden casket.

02 February 2010

The Festival of Sainte Dévote - the Veiled Ladies

The ladies walk from the cathedral as they take part in the procession. In the smaller photo you see them in the Place du Princier.

I don't know which specific order or fellowship these ladies represent and wish I did. Perhaps by next year, I'll find out.

01 February 2010

Theme Day - Wood: the Cross

Theme Day and it's Wood which ties in nicely with our visit to the Festival of Sainte Dévote. Here we see, outside Monaco's cathedral, the various orders waiting for the clergy to arrive. In the foreground, the wooden cross.

According to legend, on the 27th January in the year 304, a boat from Corsica landed on the coast guided by a dove. In it lay the body of a young Christian martyr. Discovered by local fisherman, she became the patron saint of Monaco and a chapel was built on the spot - the beautiful Church of Sainte Dévote - which stands near Port Hercule. The relics of Sainte Dévote were enshrined within its walls and each year on the 27th January, religious ceremonies are held throughout the Principality in honour of its patron saint. On the evening of the 26th the Royal family burn a fishing boat on the port, from which a white dove is released. This is known as the 'burning of the boat' and is a tradition much looked forward to each year

To see how City Daily Photo Bloggers around the world have interpreted today's theme please click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

31 January 2010

The Festival of Sainte Dévote - the Red Roses

We've gone back to the beginning today. As guests left the cathedral they were handed a red rose - and not just the ladies.

Later, when I was near to the Palace, a lady from the Mairie, a big bunch of roses in her arms, handed me one. Somehow I strapped it to my camera bag and now, several days later it's flourishing in my kitchen - a beautiful reminder of the day.

30 January 2010

The Festival of Sainte Dévote - Silhouette

The parade continues - the effigy of Christ against the backdrop of the Law Courts.

29 January 2010

The Festival of Sainte Dévote - The Parade Begins...

Almost as soon as the Mass was over and H.S.H. Prince Albert II had been driven away, the parade from the Cathedral to the Place du Palais, began.

The photo below shows you how it started - with a close-up in the main pic.

There were many different groups in the parade, wearing totally different clothes. I wish I could tell you what the various costumes represent but I don't know. No matter, I hope you enjoy the parade for Monaco's patron saint as much as I did.

28 January 2010

The Festival of Sainte Dévote

Yesterday was the second day of the Fête de Sainte Dévote, patron Saint of Monaco. Here you see H.S.H. Prince Albert II leaving the Cathedral on le rocher after the Pontifical Mass. To the left, wearing the Mitre, is the Archbishop of Monaco, Monseigneur Bernard Barsi.

Following this mass there was a procession through the town which we'll see tomorrow and over the following few days.

According to legend, on the 27th January in the year 304, a boat from Corsica landed on the coast guided by a dove. In it lay the body of a young Christian martyr. Discovered by local fisherman, she became the patron saint of Monaco and a chapel was built on the spot - the beautiful Church of Saint Dévote - which stands near Port Hercule. The relics of Sainte Dévote were enshrined within its walls and each year on the 27th January, religious ceremonies are held throughout the Principality in honour of its patron saint. On the evening of the 26th the Royal family burn a fishing boat on the port, from which a white dove is released. This is known as the 'burning of the boat' and is a tradition much looked forward to each year. This is followed by fireworks. You can see a sculpture of Sainte Dévote by clicking HERE.

The second day, which is the one we are taking part in, features this Mass, and then during the procession, we'll see the relic of Saint Dévote. Do come back tomorrow.

PS. Apologies if you were expecting the visit to the Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild. It's just that I drove into Monaco yesterday and suddenly remembered it was Fête day and so I wanted you to see photos that are current - aren't women allowed to change their mind? We'll go back to the villa on Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat eventually.

27 January 2010

Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild - the Stone Garden

Today we are back in Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat in the gardens of the Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild. One of the nine gardens is called The Stone Garden which is set amongst camphor and Judas trees. Within this garden you'll find arches, fountains, sculpted capitals, gargoyles and other grotesque figures dating from the Medieval and Renaissance periods.

This chap is looking a little worse for wear.

26 January 2010

34th Festival of Circus - the Lioness

Last day we'll be at the circus. I just wanted to show you the beautiful lioness in the main photo and the young one frolicking in the smaller pic.

Tomorrow: Back to our visit to the Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild.

25 January 2010

34th Festival of Circus - the Princess

Princess Stephanie is the President of the Monte Carlo Festival of Circus and takes a very hands-on approach. Her love of circus is evident and she's always around making sure everything is running properly and checking on the welfare of the animals. Always dressed smartly yet casually and normally in black as you see here, except for the big dress-up occasions of course.

Yesterday was the last day of the circus - just one more photo to show you tomorrow. Then we'll go back to the Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild on Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat.

24 January 2010

34th Festival of Circus - the Elephant Girl

'It would've been hard to do something else, to as it were, run away from the circus and become an accountant.'

~ Samuel West

23 January 2010

34th Festival of Circus - the Dogs

These two dogs were behind bars in a large pen. I really should have asked someone if they are performing dogs or simply dogs belonging to a member of the circus. Neither looked very happy.

The dog in the main photo and below is a Newfoundland and the one standing on a bale of straw (left) is a mix of some sort.

22 January 2010

34th Festival of Circus - the Sea Lions - 2

How the children loved the sealions. This is not part of the circus act. The animals live outside the circus tent and people can come and see them all day - no charge.

This trainer put on a little act for the kids, allowing one sea lion at a time out of the pool area - to run riot. They loved it - including the grown up kid who took these photos.

21 January 2010

34th Festival of Circus - the Sea Lions

The sea lions were having the best fun outside the circus tent. They had an enormous pool to swim in and were just like dogs with their master - obedient yet naughty at times...

These two are posing with a friend of the trainer - he's the guy (small pic) with his back to us with the curly hair.

Note: if you pose with a sea lion you get wet!

20 January 2010

34th Festival of Circus - the Elephant's Trunk

Stretch.....and hope for a biscuit. And he got one - in fact, he got lots of biscuits. And the child got to see just how long an elephant's trunk is.

'Nature's great masterpiece, an elephant; the only harmless great thing.'

~ John Donne

19 January 2010

34th Festival of Circus - the Lion King

Back to Monaco for a few days as it's that time of year again - the circus is back in town.

It's the 34th Festival of Circus, one of the most prestigious events in the circus calendar.

Each day, in the area outside the circus tent in Fontvieille you can wander around looking at the animals taking the sun and being cleaned and fed. This year, lions, elephants, sealions and horses were spending their spare time looking at us whilst we looked at them.

The lions, one of whom you see here, were all in beautiful condition and in enormous runs with raised benches allowing this magnificent Lion King to look down on us. He is one of the troupe of lions trained by Martin Lacey Junior.

You can read about animals in circuses HERE - words from a meeting presided over by Princess Stephanie of Monaco.
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