02 April 2010

Damien Hirst - The Virgin Mother

Another view of Damien Hirst's The Virgin Mother, currently stopping people in their tracks at the end of the jetty in the port of Fontvieille.

Through her legs we see the Oceanographic Museum which is where you'll find the exhibition which opens to the public today. The museum is expecting 400,000 visitors to view this artist's 60 fascinating and often controversial works of art, including the massive shark weighing 33 tonnes and called 'The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living' - see yesterday's post for more.

01 April 2010

The Virgin Mother

Tomorrow, the Damien Hirst exhibition opens at the Oceanographic Museum on le rocher. This coincides with the centenary of the museum, which has undergone extensive renovation for the occasion. However, more than normal renovation was needed as one of Damien Hirst's 60 pieces is a massive shark weighing 33 tonnes - called 'The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living.' The fish, in its tank of formaldehyde, has been flown from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York to Monaco. To accommodate it on the first floor of the museum, aluminium reinforced beams were installed - iron doesn't support the promimity of water in the nearby aquarium. It took 21 hours to unload the piece and install it.

Here you see his famous sculpture - The Virgin Mother. She stands at the end of the jetty in the port of Fontvieille. In the main photo, you see the cathedral behind her - in the smaller photo the Oceanographic Museum. Such is her value, she is being guarded 24 hours a day. More tomorrow...come back for the photo I like best.

Today is Theme Day in the City Daily Photo community. To see how around 100 bloggers from around the world have interpreted the theme of 'Red' please Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

31 March 2010


Sunlight through an ornate archway leading off the Place du Palais. This narrow street will take you to the Cathedral.

30 March 2010


Monaco is everything and anything you want it to be. Buzz, glamour, shopping - or peace on le rocher. We are not far from the Oceanographic Museum and the Saint Martin's Gardens, looking towards Cap Martin and beyond that - to Italy.

29 March 2010

The Museum of Old Monaco

Far from the glamour of the yachts in Port Hercule and tucked away in a tiny side street on le rocher is the Museum of Old Monaco or the 'Müseu d'u Veyu Mùnegu' as it is known in Monegasque.

The National Committee of Monegasque Traditions was founded in 1924, and in a tiny space of only 145 m2 - spread over three levels - you can discover Monaco as it once was. In all, 15,000 items are on display.

The Museum of Old Monaco was opened in 1974 by Prince Rainier III and Princess Grace. It is open to the public every Wednesday and Friday from 10.00h to 17.00h.

Click HERE to see four pages of the wonders you'll find inside.

28 March 2010


Yesterday, we saw the porthole. Today we see the boat itself - brand new and for sale. An upmarket trawler with every comfort you could want. Depending on specification and size the price is a little less or a little more than a million euros. Read more HERE.

27 March 2010


It's fun wandering Port Hercule, peering in portholes and looking at reflections in the paintwork.

Come back tomorrow and see the entire boat and I'll tell you about her.

26 March 2010

Grand Prix Preparations - the Road Surface

It's that time of year again and Grand Prix preparations are underway. These guys are working on the road surface which must adhere to rigid requirements of the Automobile Club of Monaco. The 3 kilometres, 340 metres of F.1 track must be made perfect before the big day. Monaco is one of the few cities in the world where the Grand Prix takes place on the actual streets, making it the most exciting race in the world.

The surface has been 'peeled' prior to a new top coat that went on the night after I took these shots. The tools are used to lower the water points you see in the last shot.

25 March 2010

People Watching

Sitting in the sunshine outside the Café de Paris on Casino Square, has to be one of the many pleasures to be found in Monte Carlo.

If you get fed up with 'people watching' - and you won't! - you can always admire the glorious Casino building alongside.

24 March 2010

The Nun and the Lilies

Too many reflections in the glass I know, but I couldn't resist snapping the nun admiring the lilies. This shop in Avenue des Beaux Arts always has stunning flower displays.

23 March 2010

The Lesson

Surrounded by somewhat larger boats, there's a lesson going on in the middle of Port Hercule.

22 March 2010

Palm Decor

Long strands of fruit hang off the palms in front of the casino.

21 March 2010

The Almost Silhouette

The light catches the water as it dances in the fountain. The casino is just behind. An iconic view of Monte Carlo - a photo taken by thousands of visitors each year. After all these years, I suppose I should feel it's all too corny for words, so don't tell anyone, but actually I still love it! Here it is almost in silhouette.

20 March 2010

Monsieur Dombey's Tree

Isn't this flower just beautiful? It's in the Casino Gardens and is called Dombeya x cayeuxii which originates from South Africa. The genus 'dombeya' is named after Joseph Dombey an 18th-century French botanist, doctor, and explorer.

There are many beautiful shrubs and trees in the Casino Gardens and it's always worth a stroll to see what is in flower.

19 March 2010

The Photographer, the Model and the Fur Coat

The model and the photographer were yesterday and today - drum roll...a lady in a fur coat joins the scene. Slightly out of focus but then ladies in fur coats tend to swish.

I don't need to tell you my feelings about the wearing of fur but if you photograph Monaco you will see fur coats from time to time - so please don't shout at me. I'm simply the messenger.

Once again we are at the entrance of the beautiful Hôtel Hermitage.

18 March 2010

The Photographer and the Model

Photographer and model outside the Hôtel Hermitage. In the smaller photo they check out the shots.

Is the walking stick, featuring a bird's head, part of a promotion?

17 March 2010

Finally it's Spring - Port Hercule

It's been such a long cold and wet winter. Yes I know it's colder and wetter elsewhere in the world but this winter has been most untypical in Monaco and the south of France. Here is Port Hercule yesterday where, at last, the sun is shining.

For more photographs of Monaco - in fact the same shot as this - take a look at Peter's Paris. Peter was here recently and the weather was horrible but it didn't stop him taking some super photos of the Principality, including a visit to the Oceanographic Museum. Do click on the link.

16 March 2010

The Golden Goat

The golden goat atop the Château de la Chevre d'or. I've never noticed this sculpture before so perhaps he's new? He looks rather pristine, doesn't he?

15 March 2010

Set in Stone

Look up. It's surprising what you find in Eze village.

14 March 2010

Lunch at Château Eza - the Curly Whiskers

The menu. We chose 'the Prince's Menu' and this is what we ate:

Butternut pumpkin soup with aged Parmesan sprinkled with olive oil.

A slice of Ciabiatta rubbed with garlic and topped with marinated sardines and young salad leaves.

Sautéed prawns atop a gateau of blettes (sugar beet) - note the curled whiskers in the photo.

An individual basket of caramelised apple with toast flavoured with orange flowers.

And a wonderful bottle of white wine and I forget what it was. This is the only dish of the four that I photographed - proof, if needed, as to how good the food and wine was.

We finished with coffee served with delicious petits fours. And then our wonderful, generous, dear divine Peter from Paris treated us to this wonderful lunch. Thank you, dear Peter.
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