11 August 2010

Monaco Street - Death to the Snail!

Not for the squeamish...the snails are about to be poured onto the fire. But before that there is the ritual of praying for the snails as the musicians walk in a line and then each player drops a solitary snail into the pan as he says goodbye.

A reminder of the great website of Les Taraf Goulamas if you missed it yesterday.

More tomorrow...

10 August 2010

Monaco Street - the Musicians and the Snails

Meet the group Les Taraf Goulamas who can cook snails whilst they play great jazz!

But it wasn't as simple as that. We had ritual and music and much laughter.

Tomorrow...mourning the snail!

09 August 2010

Monaco Street - the Snails

We're back at Place d'Armes today - Monaco's market - and more of MONACO STREET. How does a man with a plate of live snails fit into street theatre? Well you'll have to pop back tomorrow for the answer. Please do!

08 August 2010

Jimmyz and the Summer Sporting

Jimmyz Night Club and the Summer Sporting on Avenue Princesse Grace - at the far end of Larvotto Beach (see yesterday's post).

07 August 2010

Larvotto Beach

We've not left MONACO STREET forever - we'll be back to see more street theatre at Monaco's market - but let's have a weekend on the beach.

We are looking down on Larvotto Beach from the 19th floor of the Formentor. The peninsula you see in the distance is Cap Martin. Beyond that you'll find Menton and then Italy.

Note the jellyfish nets in the water.

06 August 2010

Monaco Street - Pourquoi du Piaf takes a Bow

A last look at this great group of performers. The juggler, the dancers, the singer and the accordian player take their bow.

Tomorrow...we'll go to the beach for the weekend and then back for more entertainment.

05 August 2010

Monaco Street - The Audience and the Man who Didn't See...

The audience loved the performance except perhaps the man in the photo below who walked right into it - without seeing...

You can see more of the little dog HERE.

04 August 2010

Monaco Street - Pourquoi du Piaf! (the Dancers)

These dancers were mesmerizing. So good, so involved, such brilliant dancers and fabulous choreography. He is Raphael Thiers, she is Morena Di Vico and the choreograher is Lisie Philip. Click on the link to read about La Compagnie Antipodes.

03 August 2010

Monaco Street - The Programme Lady and the Designer

The lady on the left with the red and black shoes handed out the programmes - I imagine she works for the Direction des Affaires Culturelles de Monaco. The lady on the right I'd noticed earlier and had taken her photo as she crossed the road. She asked if I'd taken her photo. 'Yes,' I said, 'I was rather fascinated with your outfit.' She told me she is a designer from Germany and then asked if I would send her the photos - which of course I will.

02 August 2010

Monaco Street - Pourquoi du Piaf!

Monaco has just had a weekend of great street theatre with performances taking place during the day and evening in different parts of the Principality.

We are in Monaco's market at Places d'Armes and have been listening to chanson sung by this lady, Dany Dean. Here she is in a short theatrical piece where she ends up dancing with the juggler, Farice Dominici. They are part of La Compagnie Antipodes who specialise in dance for public spaces. The name will fool you - they are French, based in Nice - not Australian!

Dany sung many of the great Piaf chansons - she has a great voice - and we were even handed a printed version of La Vie en Rose so everyone could sing along. More tomorrow...

01 August 2010

Le Grand Tour

Monaco's latest tour bus - le grand tour! There are twelve stops taking in the whole of Monaco. You can get on or off as often as you like. A day ticket costs 17 euros for adults and 7 euros for a child. Included in the 12 stops is the Bateau Bus stop and the complete tour lasts approximately one hour.

As you can see in the smaller photo, there is a running commentary in your own language via individual disposable head sets.

It's Theme Day in the City Daily Photo community and today's theme is BRIGHT COLOURS. Click on the link to see colour from around the world.

31 July 2010

A Weekend in Monte Carlo - 2

And then there were four...

See yesterday's post for the first two Rolls Royces to arrive for a weekend in Monte Carlo.

30 July 2010

A Weekend in Monte Carlo

You'd have thought the Monte Carlo Rally had arrived last Saturday. I was crossing the Place du Casino when suddenly four Rolls Royces drove up and parked outside the Hôtel de Paris.

But of course it wasn't the Monte Carlo Rally (that will take place on the 19 - 23 January 2011 and will celebrate the 100th year of this great event).

In fact, as the owner of one of these beautiful cars told me, they'd all driven down from the UK for a weekend in Monte Carlo.

29 July 2010


The Japanese Garden in Avenue Princesse Grace is probably the most relaxing garden in Monaco. There is water everywhere, carp in pools, reflections, changing vegetation and it's cool in this heat. Lean on a bridge, look down into the water and go zen...

28 July 2010

Marriage in Mind

The forthcoming marriage between Prince Albert and Charlene Wittstock is something everyone in Monaco is looking forward to. The big day will be July 9th next year. This shop on Avenue Princesse Grace is already getting ready.

Vanity Fair features Charlene Wittstock. (Click to view)

27 July 2010

Learning Dior

Dior in Avenue des Beaux-Arts. This little one could grow up to have rather expensive tastes...

26 July 2010

Cleaning up La Note Bleue

Almost 9 a.m. and it's clean-up time at La Note Bleue on Larvotto Beach.

25 July 2010

Tour de France - Alberto Contador Wins!

Later today, the Tour de France will be over for another year as they cycle down the Champs Elysées in Paris. The winner - Alberto Contador. Last year in Monaco we saw his rivalry with Lance Armstrong - this year, with the courageous Andy Schleck.

These photos were taken one year ago in Monaco. Well done Alberto - another year, Andy...!

24 July 2010


Nap time...

23 July 2010

Tour de France Memories

Can it be a year ago that the Tour de France started in Monaco? It was the best fun and let's hope it comes back to Monaco one day.

Meanwhile, this year's tour couldn't be more exciting with only an 8 second gap between Andy Schleck and Alberto Contador.

This photo was taken at an exhibition of Tour de France paraphernalia held when the tour was in Monaco last year.
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