22 February 2011

You've Got Mail

There's only one way to deliver mail on le rocher, and that's by walking...

21 February 2011

The Most Beautiful Dog Loo in the World?

Could this be the most beautifully located official dog loo in the world?

The gate leads down a winding stairway to a small enclosed garden where dogs can attend to their needs. There's a bench for the dog's owner. You'll find this very near to the Oceanographic Museum on the Rock.

Woof woof, I say!

20 February 2011

The Origins of the Cathedral

These beautiful carvings are all that is left of the first church on le rocher constructed in 1247. They stand alongside the current cathedral built in 1874 and consecrated 100 years ago in 1911.
You'll find them behind a railing on the left side of the cathedral in the pic below. (out of shot)

19 February 2011


It's Saturday. Let's find a little peace and quiet. These are the gardens that run along by Fort Antoine. Through the palms you can see Cap Martin.

18 February 2011

The Fountain of the Birds

Jean-Michel Folon's La Fontaine aux Oiseaux is a sculpture I've always loved.

For years it stood in front of the Casino. Then it got moved to Fontvieille where it stood outside the police station on a wooden pallet, the birds imprisoned by wire, waiting for a new home.

Now, you'll find it on le rocher in front of the Lycee Albert 1er.

17 February 2011

The Willing Subject

This seagull was quite happy to have his photograph taken by a visitor to le rocher. Indeed, he paraded back and forth to make sure the young man got the best possible shot...

16 February 2011

Lunch on the Rock

Many visitors to Monaco don't see this side of the Principality. They see the glitz and the glamour of Port Hercule and the Casino and miss these adorable little streets. This is a bar/restaurant on le rocher where preparations for lunch are underway.

15 February 2011

14th Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique - Last Thoughts

Last day at the Rally - thanks so much for coming along for the ride.

The badge in the smaller photo commemorates the 100th year of the Monte Carlo Rally. We were at the historic rally of course.

Not too long and the Monaco Grand Prix will be upon us. The Historique Grand Prix takes place every two years and it won't be till 2012 that we see those wonderful old cars again.

14 February 2011

14th Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique - Dirt

You don't normally see so many dirty cars in Monaco, but then it's Rally time...

In the first photo, a car is going around Casino Square, in the small one, the car has hitched a ride home and is passing St. Devote and below a dirty old Volvo, that I know someone loves.

13 February 2011

14th Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique - Labels

Looks like the car in the main photo has been taking part in the Monte Carlo Rally Historic since it started.

I'm probably the worst person to take photos of car events because I really don't know what I'm looking at but here's a couple of cars that will hopefully please car buffs. More tomorrow...

Of course, there's always the official website.

12 February 2011

14th Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique - the Interloper

This team were posing for a photographer when a girl suddenly came up and asked if she could have her photo taken with them. She struck this pose and then off she went. She didn't even ask for a copy of the photo. Very strange!

The team travelled from Japan to Glasgow for the start of their trip to Monte Carlo. And if you look at the number plate you can see it took a knock - that's when they hit a deer. If you speak Japanese you'll find the team's website HERE.

11 February 2011

14th Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique - Duct Tape

The 14th Monte Carlo Rally Historic arrived at Port Hercule last weekend. The cars had started from Glasgow, Marrakech or Warsaw and for the really old cars with lesser engine capacity, there were intermediate starts in Barcelona and Rheims. All the cars were built between 1955 and 1979.

This year Monaco celebrated the 100th year of the Monte Carlo Rally and this 'historic' rally (the 14th) was very much part of the celebration.

As you can see the one thing no driver could do without was a roll of duct tape - or is it duck tape?

More cars tomorrow...

10 February 2011

The Reflective Skater

Each winter the swimming pool on Port Hercule is turned into a skating rink. The reflections are tents put up for the 2011 Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique which arrived in Monaco last Saturday - pics start tomorrow...

09 February 2011

Underneath the Arches

Look up and you see beautiful arches. Look down and there are road works. This small street (and others) on le rocher have been undergoing renovation for months and months. All will surely be ready tho for the wedding of Prince Albert and Charlene Wittstock on July 2nd.

08 February 2011

The Wedding: Clean-up at the Palace

In five short months, Monaco will celebrate the wedding of Prince Albert and Charlene Wittstock and there's a lot to do!

Not least - the palace. Here you see the facades are undergoing a massive clean-up.

There's also a big renovation going on at the HĂŽtel de Paris on Casino Square which is where many of the most prestigious guests will stay.

And THE dress? That will be designed by Georgio Armani.

07 February 2011

Circus! - Monsieur Loyal

Our last day at the Monte Carlo's Festival of Circus and all the fabulous artistes including the Ringmaster, Petit Gougou as Monsieur Loyal, wave us goodbye. Thanks so much to everyone who enjoyed the spectacle with me.

Tomorrow - the Principality prepares for the royal wedding...

06 February 2011

Circus! - 'Les Clowns en Folie'

There are around a dozen clowns in the group 'Les Clowns en Folie' - they drove through the streets of Monaco during the day to the delight of onlookers, they entertained us with their music before the show and in between acts they were the best fun.

Tomorrow: Our last day at the circus.

05 February 2011

Circus! - Dancing on Lightbulbs

This group of acrobats are from the Flag Circus of China and they perform acrobatics on lightbulbs. The first photo shows you how!

04 February 2011

Circus! - the Tightrope Walkers

The tightrope walkers were magical - and scary. These two are part of the German 'Famille Weisheit' who have been in circus for 100 years. They were awarded a Special Mention by the Jury at this year's Festival.

03 February 2011

Circus! - Bello Nock

Bello Nock was brilliant. He was one of only two acts to be awarded the Golden Clown by the Jury of Monte Carlo's Festival of Circus. The last time he appeared at the Monte Carlo Circus in 1998, he won the Silver Clown.

He did all the usual clown things with a trampoline - but better - and then he rode the 'Wheel of Death' but as if he couldn't do it, almost falling off, terrified etc and it was all very funny - and scary.

On the night of the Awards, HSH Prince Albert wore a wig identical to Bello Nock's. Oh yes, the Royals in Monaco get in the swing of things and especially the circus which they love. (Click on the link)

Time magazine named Bello Nock, the best American clown. They were right!

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