09 March 2011

And the Wind she did Blow...

Larvotto Beach yesterday with a fierce wind and crashing waves.

08 March 2011

International Women's Day

Not a painting to be hung on your wall but a chest of drawers for sale at a Foire in Monaco last October. However, the reason for showing this photo is not to influence your interior decor (as if I would dare...) but to use the image of a woman to celebrate the centenary of International Women's Day.

You can see a young girl running towards her future on Menton Daily Photo today.

Here's to all my women friends - I couldn't exist without you...

07 March 2011

The Frieze

The facade of the Hermitage Hotel along with its famous frieze has been repainted - and very well too.

06 March 2011

Reflections on Avenue d'Ostende

Avenue d'Ostende is the road that runs down from the Casino to Saint Devote and Port Hercule.

This road used to be called the Montée de Monte-Carlo and is well-known by anyone who watches the F1 cars of the Monaco Grand Prix as they race up this hill.

05 March 2011


There's always something going on in Casino Square - here you see flags from the recent Monte Carlo Rally reflected in the doors of the Casino.

Don't you love that old clock?

04 March 2011

Parking des Pêcheurs

When you visit le rocher, this is where you end up after parking your car. You can take a lift to the level of the gardens on top but it's also nice to come out where you see the benches and walk up steps past the old washhouse.

03 March 2011

Koi Carp

Last day at the Japanese Gardens - but I'm sure we'll be back. This, as is fairly obvious (!) is a reflection in a pool that contains Koi Carp.

02 March 2011


Let's pause a little longer in the Japanese Gardens...

'I am a part of all that I have met.' ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

01 March 2011

Peace in a Garden

It's Theme Day and deciding on 'my favourite part of town' wasn't easy. So much depends on one's mood. You can sit on the terrace of the Cafe de Paris and watch the world go by, you can wander Port Hercule and drool over the mega yachts, you can stroll le rocher and enjoy the narrow ancient streets and the beauty of the cathedral or you can do what we are doing today - sit in a garden and absorb the peace.

Monaco has many beautiful gardens - my favourites are the Saint Martin Gardens on le rocher and this one - the Japanese Gardens on Avenue Princess Grace with views of the Mediterranean through the trees.

To see how other bloggers around the world have interpreted this month's theme please click HERE.

28 February 2011

Doorman at the Casino

One of the Casino's doormen. I bet they have stories to tell...

27 February 2011

The Old Tap

You don't have to look far in Monaco to find interesting details.

This old tap. which doesn't appear to turn on and off and protudes out of a weary mouth, is part of the fountain in Place de la Mairie on le rocher.

26 February 2011

Bird's Eye View

Probably the only ones who don't have to pay for the view in Monaco are the birds...

25 February 2011


This beautiful cannon can be found on le rocher at the Place du Palais overlooking Port Hercule.

24 February 2011

Christmas in February

Do you think someone should tell the owners of this house on le rocher that Christmas is over?

23 February 2011

The Sacristy

Another pretty corner on le rocher. This is the entrance to the Sacristy of the Cathedral and as you see, is alongside a restaurant. You can see a part of the cathedral on the right.

22 February 2011

You've Got Mail

There's only one way to deliver mail on le rocher, and that's by walking...

21 February 2011

The Most Beautiful Dog Loo in the World?

Could this be the most beautifully located official dog loo in the world?

The gate leads down a winding stairway to a small enclosed garden where dogs can attend to their needs. There's a bench for the dog's owner. You'll find this very near to the Oceanographic Museum on the Rock.

Woof woof, I say!

20 February 2011

The Origins of the Cathedral

These beautiful carvings are all that is left of the first church on le rocher constructed in 1247. They stand alongside the current cathedral built in 1874 and consecrated 100 years ago in 1911.
You'll find them behind a railing on the left side of the cathedral in the pic below. (out of shot)

19 February 2011


It's Saturday. Let's find a little peace and quiet. These are the gardens that run along by Fort Antoine. Through the palms you can see Cap Martin.

18 February 2011

The Fountain of the Birds

Jean-Michel Folon's La Fontaine aux Oiseaux is a sculpture I've always loved.

For years it stood in front of the Casino. Then it got moved to Fontvieille where it stood outside the police station on a wooden pallet, the birds imprisoned by wire, waiting for a new home.

Now, you'll find it on le rocher in front of the Lycee Albert 1er.
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