02 April 2013

Eze Village - The Old Auberge

This  wall with its wondrous colour and worn out sign never fails to entrance me.

01 April 2013

Eze Village - Notre Dame de l'Assomption 2

The interior of the beautiful Eglise Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption in Eze Village.

31 March 2013

Eze Village - Notre Dame de l'Assomption

A corner of the beautiful neo-classical church of Notre Dame de l’Assomption which was reconstructed between 1764 and 1778 after the original fell into ruin. It was classified as a National Monument of France in 1984.

30 March 2013

Eze Village - the view from the Chèvre d'Or - 2

Can't resist showing you more photographs of  the restaurant of the Chèvre d'Or.  How's this for a view of St. Jean Cap Ferrat whilst enjoying a wonderful lunch or dinner. Flowers by Perrine.

29 March 2013

Eze Village - Reflection at the Chèvre d'Or

We're back in the restaurant of the Chèvre d'Or today, looking at tables and the silver sea reflected in  this engraved glass.  Lovely isn't it?  And on the right one of Perrine's flower arrangements.

28 March 2013

Eze Village - Sun and Shade

Thick walls, narrow streets - they knew how to build a village in medieval times to create shade and so protect themselves from the sun.

Talking of sun ... where is it?  Yet another rainy day here.

27 March 2013

Eze Village - Antonio, the Head Concierge at the Chevre d'Or

If you are ever lucky enough to stay at the beautiful hotel/restaurant the Chevre d'Or, the first person you'll see is the always beaming Head Concierge, Antonio.

I'd bumped into Perrine (see yesterday's post) in the village earlier and she took me to meet Antonio who kindly allowed me to take photographs in the restaurant. Thank you Perrine - and it was a pleasure to meet you, Antonio.

Of course, the second thing you notice as you walk in to the reception area is this golden goat. Isn't he wonderful!

26 March 2013

Eze Village - Chèvre d'Or - Miss Rose by Perrine

Readers of Menton Daily Photo have already met the beautiful Perrine as I showed photographs of her creating amazing hats made of flowers in her Menton atelier. Perrine's company is called Miss Rose by Perrine.

Perrine is Monaco's most favourite florist.  She creates stunning flower arrangements at many hotels and restaurants, weddings, model shoots, etc.  Here she is at the Chèvre d'Or in Eze.

When I tell you it was Perrine who made HSH Princess Charlene's bridal bouquet when she married HSH Prince Albert II, you'll know the esteem in which she is held in the Principality and beyond.

Tomorrow: we meet the chef concierge, Antonio. 

25 March 2013

Eze Village - the View from the Chèvre d'Or

How's this for a view whilst you dine at the Chèvre d'Or in Eze.  Chèvre - for anyone who doesn't know - means 'goat' in French, hence the 'golden goat' on the roof.

That's St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat jutting out to sea.

More from this beautiful hotel/restaurant tomorrow.

24 March 2013

Eze Village - Door-to-Door Delivery ...

Of course there are downsides to living in a medieval village. Everything you buy has to be lugged up the narrow streets by hand or on a trolley.

Here are some parcels being delivered ... the Eze version of 'door-to-door!'

23 March 2013

Eze Village - Old Stone

Steps, walkways, tunnels, old stone - history. The wonders of Eze village.

22 March 2013

Eze Village - the 'F' Label

This is the base of a perfectly normal lamp post that leads up to the village of Eze.

What puzzles me is what all the stickers with the letter 'F' on them mean.  Anyone know?

21 March 2013

Eze Village - Spring

Looks like spring has already arrived in Eze Village ...

20 March 2013

Eze Village

Yesterday, the sun shone and on a whim I drove to Eze village.  It's two years since I last came here - but everytime I visit I'm blown away by its beauty.

This photograph was taken from the Chemin de Nietzsche and we are looking at one side of the village - the gardens of the beautiful hotel/restaurant, the Chèvre d'Or tumble in terraces down the hillside. 

If you want to die happy - dine or take lunch at the Chèvre d'Or one time in your life ...

From 1883 onwards, Frederich Nietzsche often stayed on the French Riviera and it was during this climb, up the path from the beach, to the 'wonderful Moorish village of Eza, built among the rocks' that he composed the third part of his work 'Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra.' 

More tomorrow ...

19 March 2013

Smoking Break

A couple of girls chat and smoke near the Watch Tower on le rocher.  Note the helicopter,  en route to the heliport in Fontvieille.

18 March 2013

Monte Carlo Dogs

Not all Monte Carlo ladies strut around in 6 inch heels. Some, like these two ladies,  are more interested in their dogs and were taking a rest with them on a bench in the Casino Gardens.  Note the water bowl.

The Griffon is called Xena and she is 4 years old. And the Jack Russell terrier is called Lana and she is 3.

Both are rescue dogs now living a wonderful life in Monaco with these two fabulous Monte Carlo ladies.

17 March 2013

7th Rencontre Artistique - Monaco-Japan - Viatcheslav Plotniko

Viatcheslav Plotnikov is a Russian artist who has lived in Monte Carlo since 2000.  He often paints glamorous scenes like this - the Hotel de Paris featuring famous American film stars long since dead. 

For instance, that's Ava Gardner sitting at the front.  Looks like Humphrey Bogart in the background. I'm sure others are recognisable too.The painting is called 'By Night Monaco.'

16 March 2013

The Flower Shop

This rather wonderful flower shop, Narmino-Sorasio, is to be found in Le Park Palace.

15 March 2013

7th Rencontre Artistique Monaco-Japan - the Rhino and the Panda

This sculpture is called 'F... Panda.'  I'm not being prudish in not typing that four-letter word but I don't want all the spam that will arrive if I do.

The sculptor is Patrick Schumacher - he makes lots and lots of what he calls 'rhinozebros.' Click on the link to read more.

14 March 2013

7th Rencontre Artistique Monaco-Japan - Reni

This lady is dressed somewhat differently to other ladies and you'd think she is young, wouldn't you?  But - good for her - she absolutely isn't.

Her name is Reni and she always wear unusual outfits. She's one of Monte Carlo's characters and loves being photographed.  You may remember her in the Casino Gardens posing for the camera on the night the casino was lit up pink.
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