08 June 2013


Stylish - walking past the Casino Gardens.

07 June 2013

Vernissage/Opening Photography Exhibition THIS EVENING!

Blatant self promotion today!

This evening! Vernissage of photography in the Tour Lascaris at Gorbio, near Menton. Two photographers. Khaled Youssef will be exhibiting his new series of beautiful bubble photos and Jilly Bennett will be showing new black and white photos of life and love in Menton and Gorbio.

Do come along.  Everyone welcome. 18h. Friday, 7th June in the Chateau at the top of the village. Come an have an aperitif and a enjoy the show. Afterwards? Gil, the pizza chef at the Restaurant les Terrassess/Chez Paulo, makes great pizzas.

And if you've not visited the medieval village of Gorbio before, you are in for a treat.

06 June 2013


Market, Place d'Armes

In Monaco, even the plastic flower pots match the flowers!

05 June 2013

Monaco's Market

Scene/seen inside Monaco's market.  Note the sign for pizza is written first in Italian, then French, then English. In the past, I've heard people say that Monaco would collapse in a heap if the Italians left.  Nowadays, they'd be more likely to say the Russians.

04 June 2013


Market, Place d'Armes

Is there anything more evocative of a Mediterranean summer than succulent, thinly sliced, fresh tomatoes, served with buffalo mozzarella,  generously drizzled with the best olive oil and scattered with fresh basil?

Add a baguette, a glass of rosé - heaven!

03 June 2013

'Get Closer and come to the M.Zone'

These signs saying 'Get Closer and come to the M.Zone' are all over the market area at Place d'Armes in Monaco. Included in the sign is a barcode and also the usual warning about smoking.

The M.Zone appears to indicate a WiFi zone but why the warning about cigarettes?

Anyone know? I clicked on the link but don't understand ...

PS. I now understand this is an advert for Marlboro Cigarettes so who knew?  What happened to Marlboro Man!

02 June 2013

Red Bull

One side of the Red Bull hospitality area and heavy cloud on the mountains ... where is summer?

01 June 2013

Monaco Grand Prix reflections

If you going to show up in a reflection, best choose Ferrari red hospitality to frame you.  As you see, it's in the process of being dismantled following the Monaco Grand Prix last weekend.

31 May 2013

Monte Carlo Daily Photo is back ... with Ferrari Red

Well... it looks like Monte Carlo Daily Photo is back!  For how long, I don't know, but I missed it! And work on my book continues regardless.  Time management would appear to be the answer ...

Last Tuesday, I had to go to Monaco and as I'm incapable of going anywhere without a camera, here goes ...
The Monaco  Grand Prix is over and the clean up is underway. So, come with me and see what happens.  This as you can see is part of the Ferrari hospitality area on the port - in the area known on race day as the Paddock.  You don't get in here unless you pay a lotta money.   Don't you love that everything, including these guys, are in Ferrari red ...

See you tomorrow ...

18 May 2013

Monte Carlo Daily Photo is taking a temporary break ...

The Oceanographic Museum at sunset and a temporary au revoir ...

Monte Carlo Daily Photo is taking a break after publishing daily for over 6 years. Menton Daily Photo will continue, so do please visit me there where I may well publish the odd Monaco photo taken when I visit friends in Monte Carlo.

The reason is that I'm putting all my creative energies into a book of photography and words. All will be revealed eventually...

I want to thank everyone so very much for being so faithful to this blog - for your encouragement and comments. Currently there are 10,000 people a month who look at Monte Carlo Daily Photo, of which 5,000 are what Google refer to as 'unique visitors' so I'm aware that I'm saying a temporary goodbye to a lot of people. But I will be back one day.

I simply need to concentrate my creative energies on my book. 

lots of love and thanks - Jilly xxx

17 May 2013

Passing Strangers ...

La Reine Mariana and a passing stranger.  She was sculpted in 2004 by Manolo Valdés, the well-known Spanish artist who lives in New York.

16 May 2013


Morning light near the Grimaldi Forum.

15 May 2013


Deep in thought ...

14 May 2013

Reflections in Port Hercule

And black and white kind of day.

13 May 2013

Grand Prix de Monaco - the Back of the Stand

If you get bored looking at the pit lane, you can turn around and look at the boats ... not that any Formula One fan would, of course ...

12 May 2013

Grand Prix de Monaco - the Pit Lane Stand

Monaco is wearing her usual mantle of steel as she prepares for the Monaco Grand Prix which takes place on the 26th May.  Here you see the stand that faces the pit lane.  Behind this stand is Port Hercule.  We'll see a photo of the other side tomorrow.

11 May 2013

'Royal Clipper'

Isn't she stunning!  I was at Larvotto Beach and saw she was in the harbour, so had to get in the car and drive to the port to photograph her. 

She's called Royal Clipper and is a five-masted fully rigged tall ship used as a cruise liner.  She flies the Maltese flag. She is listed in Guinness World Records as the largest square-rigged ship in service, with 5202 square metres of sail. Her sails can be handled with a crew as small as twenty using powered controls.

10 May 2013

Larvotto Beach - la Rose des Vents

Yesterday on the private beach of La Rose des Vents at the end of Larvotto

09 May 2013


Time for an aperitif at La Rose des Ventes on Larvotto.

08 May 2013

Christine Franchesini's Exhibition

Last night I went to a gallery opening in the medieval village of Roquebrune.  Meet my lovely, talented  friend, Christine Franceschini with one of her beautiful paintings.

The exhibition is open until the 20th May at the Salle Saint Lucie in Roquebrune village.   Christine will be there each day from 14h00 to 19h00. Do come along ...

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