There are always interesting angles to photograph on the forecourt of the Grimaldi Forum. You can just see the heads of walkers and joggers in the background - they are on the walkway below.
Rosemary tumbles over a wall alongside St. Nicolas' Church in Fontvieille. We have sunshine, we have rosemary, we have bees a-buzzing. Spring can't be far away ...
This is the edge of the port of Fontvieille and the tunnel that runs under le rocher (where you find the Palace, the Oceanographic Museum and so on). If you drive thru this tunnel you come to the main port of Monaco, Port Hercule.
This photo is so typical of Monaco. Extreme beauty alongside roadworks, or massive cranes looming into the sky.
Waiting for the lotus. The pots you see on the upper right are filled with lotus plants waiting to burst into leaf and then glorious flower. The crazy patterns are reflections of apartment buildings on Avenue Princesse Grace.
If you can't cope with the madness of the Menton Lemon Festival or the Nice Carnival, take a stroll in the Japanese Gardens of Monaco. You'll soon de-stress and relax.
“Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh?" he whispered. "Yes, Piglet?" "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's hand. "I just wanted to be sure of you.”
Today, we're on the top level of the relatively new 'digue' or jetty, which is where the massive cruise liners tie up. If memory serves, this structure was towed from Portugal where it was made.