20 May 2014

Living in a Science Fiction film ...

If you take the lift from opposite Monaco's market down to Fontvieille, you end up on this walkway, which has been cut deep into the rock - it leads to the Carrefour shopping centre. For a moment, you feel as if you are in a magic grotto or a science fiction film ...

19 May 2014

Grand Prix - Fencing and Ferraris

Even the Casino is fenced off at Grand Prix time.  Of course it doesn't stop the obligatory Ferrari being parked in front of its doors.

18 May 2014

Grand Prix - Fenced in

Almost Monaco Grand Prix time - next weekend. And so Monaco is encased in its ring of steel. Here the Cafe de Paris on the left and the Casino in the distance are fenced in with gates for people to walk through.

17 May 2014

Bentley Reflections

The shiny silver Bentley we saw yesterday reflected everything!

16 May 2014

Bentley Bling!

Pulling away from the Louis Vuitton shop is this shiny silver Bentley. Is it stainless steel? I've never seen a car as shiny as this ...talk about bling!

15 May 2014

Grand Prix Historique de Monaco - the Oldest Lady Bugatti and Dirty too!

This is the oldest car at the Monaco Historic Grand Prix.  And she's dirty!  I love that ... not for her an arrival in a van with mechanics alongside -  she was driven here!

She's a Bugatti 39 - born in 1925 - which makes her pretty much 90 years old. Isn't she a beauty!

14 May 2014

Grand Prix Historique de Monaco - the Inspection

Each car at the Historic Grand Prix of Monaco has to undergo a rigorous safety examination before racing.  These guys work for the ACM (Automobile Club of Monaco) and are inspecting a 1972 BRM P180 in Marlboro livery.

13 May 2014

Grand Prix Historique de Monaco - 1926 Bugatti 35

A detail from the 1926 Bugatti 35 at the Monaco Historic Grand Prix.

12 May 2014

Grand Prix Historique de Monaco - Alfa-Romeo Tipo B (P3) - 1934

This is the Alfa-Romeo Tipo B (P3) made in 1934 - it won the A class race. What a beauty!

Clouds hung low over the Principality on Thursday but it didn't detract from the beauty of the cars. And always such a great atmosphere at the 'historique' with everyone happy to chat, mechanics and owners alike.

11 May 2014

Grand Prix Historique de Monaco - Ferrari!

Red! Mostly Ferraris from the 1950s although the car in the foreground is a Maserati.

10 May 2014

Grand Prix Historique de Monaco - Arrival

The Historique Grand Prix of Monaco is held every second year and even if you know nothing about cars - like me - it's the best fun and a joy to look at these beautiful old cars.  There are Bugattis going back to the 1920s, ancient Alpha Romeos and so on.

I was there last Thursday. Most cars had arrived but there were still a few, like this one, just driving in to the paddock area to admiring glances.

The majority of cars arrive in large trucks, along with a couple of mechanics to tend to their every need. These old cars are exceedingly valuable.

Mostly, I noted the name and year of the cars for you but I didn't follow this one to its parking place, so I don't know. Perhaps someone will tell me? The majority of cars had one seat only, so this one confused me!

09 May 2014

Art Monaco - Dirk Janssens

Belgian artist Dirk Janssens created this sculpture from wood and plaster. He is represented by Irrreversible Mag and the lovely lady we met yesterday.  Click on the link to see and read about Dirk's work and his many awards.

This is Dirk's Artist Statement:

'In his art Dirk Janssens explores the positive and emotional aspects of the basic concept of being human. His work is a tribute to life and love, purely instinctive, in a completely unique language. His works are an investigative transformation; it is far from arbitrary, and represents a willful, passionate craving for almost unattainable and utopian Love. At the same time, this art offers comfort, as it fires an enthusiasm for life and inspiration; in fact it’s a tireless courting of passion itself.
The artist forces himself to convert every single feeling of frustration into pure life force. Whether futile or intense, the expression shows an iron will, an unfailing passion and an enduring optimism that is deep-rooted in the artist himself. By doing so he makes his audience contemplate their own happiness.'

08 May 2014

Art Monaco - 'Irreversible Art'

We're back at Art Monaco today - just for a few days - and then we have the Historique Grand Prix to look forward to.

This is Norelkys (Noor) Blazekovic, a wonderfully dynamic lady, originally from Venezuela and now living and working in Miami, Florida.  She was at Art Monaco with a group of artists she promotes as part of  'Irreversible Projects' - you can read more by clicking on the link.  See the work of some of her artists tomorrow.

Norelkys writes: 'Just use your imagination and tremendous things will happen. Imagine you have the ability to see the world with different eyes, whenever you choose. Each time you open your eyes, you see the world around you in a different way... Irreversible Way"'

07 May 2014

Monaco's Ladies - the Harley-Davidson Club of Monaco

One of Monaco's lady bikers. LOVE that jacket!

In the small photo some of the Harley-Davidson's parked outside Saint Nicolas Church in Fontvieille.  

06 May 2014

Saint Nicolas Church and the Bikers

Fontvieille's beautiful St. Nicolas' church as you won't often see it - surrounded by bikers and their beautiful Harley-Davidson bikes - see yesterday's post.  Happily the sun came out in time for their barbecue.

05 May 2014

Father Julien and the Monaco Harley-Davidson Club

Father Julien, the priest of Saint Nicolas' church in Fontvieille, Monaco is a biker - a member of the Monaco Harley-Davidson Club.  Each year he gives a service in the church for the bikers of the region - Monaco, France and Italy - and after the service there is a massive barbecue held outside the church. In this photo you see Father Julien third from left.

Who knew there was a Harley-Davidson club in Monaco? Who knew Monaco has a biker priest? I love it! 

Come back tomorrow - of course you want to see the bikes! And more bikers.

Art Monaco will return in a few days.

04 May 2014

Art Monaco - Andy Warhol

Mick Jagger by Andy Warhol.  Interestingly the prints are signed by both.

03 May 2014

Art Monaco - Red!

Sometimes the visitors are as fascinating as the art ...

02 May 2014

Art Monaco - Bianca Tosti's Buttons

You want a sculpture decorated with sharkshin, buttons and lace? Look no further.  Sculptor, Bianca Tosti sells her art through Galerie Arista in Cannes.

01 May 2014

Art Monaco - the Bugatti Desk

How about a Bugatti for a desk. Well, the front half, that is!  Just the thing for the man who has everything ...
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