15 March 2015


Elegance at Casino Square. Woof!

11 March 2015

Spring at the Note Bleue

It's spring at the Note Bleue on Larvotto Beach.

09 March 2015

Lamb shank at the Baobab

The food at the Baobab on Larvotto Beach is always freshly cooked with a menu that changes every day.

This is a 'souris d'agneau' which could be confusing as 'souris' means 'mouse' in French but when followed by 'd'agneau' then it's a 'lamb shank.'  It was served with squashed potatoes (not mashed) and gravy. Yet another of the delicious dishes served by talented chef, François.

03 March 2015

Baobab on Larvotto

The Baobab is one of my favourite restaurants in Monaco.  You'll eat great fresh food (the menu changes daily) cooked by chef François, who - by the way - is a superb photographer. 

There's not much wrong in life when you are sitting in the sunshine, overlooking Larvotto beach, drinking wine and eating lunch at the Baobab.

And it's not just the beach that is good-looking. Here are two of the beautiful servers. Meet Sonia on the left, and Vaitiare on the right (that's a Tahitian name, by the way).  Thanks for the photo, girls! x

26 February 2015

Steps in Beausoleil

It's hard walking up these steps in Beausoleil - but it's great fun to run down ...

24 February 2015

Hopeful seagulls

Seagulls queue up near a restaurant on Larvotto Beach, hoping someone will throw them a crumb or two.

19 February 2015

Thumbs Up!

Skateboarders at Larvotto Beach. Thanks for the smiles guys - and the thumbs up - as you whizzed by. 

18 February 2015


Stripes - at the Pavilions de Monte Carlo.

15 February 2015

Monte Carlo lady and her dog

One of Monte Carlo's pampered pooches, a little bichon maltais (Maltese terrier) and her owner on Avenue Princesse Grace.

12 February 2015

Long Legs ...

Christmas trees laden with snow alongside palm trees and pretty girls with legs that go on forever ... that's Monte Carlo.

05 February 2015

Ciggie break

Cigarette break outside the Metropole Centre, Monte Carlo.

02 February 2015

The Alexander McQueen shop

The Alexander McQueen shop in the Pavilions de Monte Carlo, Casino Gardens.

27 January 2015

Monte Carlo Lady and Dog

A lady and her little dog at the new Monte Carlo Pavilions set in the casino gardens.

18 January 2015


The teahouse in the Japanese Gardens.

16 January 2015

Villa Sauber

This sculpture stands at the entrance to Monaco's National Museum, Villa Sauber on Avenue Princesse Grace.

09 January 2015

Walking the Red Carpet in Monte Carlo

The bubble-shaped luxury shops in the Casino Gardens really are extraordinary with their sloping glass exteriors.  Nice to walk the red carpet ...

04 January 2015

Space Age Shopping in Monte Carlo

Space-age shopping is what now greets visitors to Casino Square in Monte Carlo.  Where once stood the Jardins Boulingrins,  you now find 5 pebble-shaped shaped constructions with 2,500 square feet of shopping space.  Here you can buy your Balenciaga, Bottega Veneta, Alexander McQueen, Miu Miu, Akris, Sonia Rykiel, Yves Saint Laurent and so on ...

Each pavilion has a different shape and size ranging from 220 to 600 m² and a ceiling height of maximum 10 m. The temporary pavilions are meant to last 4 years, which corresponds to the duration of the renovation works at the Hôtel de Paris and the Sporting d’Hiver. Then, apparently, these businesses will close down and take up their new accommodation in the Sporting d'Hiver.

This is all part of the redevelopment programme by Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer (SBM) for the Place du Casino. The beautiful Art Deco building, the Sporting d’Hiver (which you see in the background) will be demolished and replaced by three buildings including businesses, high-end residences, offices and leisure and spaces for recreation and culture.

26 December 2014

Bûche de Noël

The dessert tray at Restaurant La Piazza in Monaco yesterday.  3 different flavoured Bûches de Noël, no less! My lovely friend Millie and I had the marron et chocolat. Yummy!

Sorry for the slightly blurry foreground.... blame two glasses of champagne, followed by a good Italian red!

24 December 2014

Crystals for Christmas

To my dear friends and readers of this blog, I send you a million crystals from the lights of Nice for Christmas.  May you have a day filled with peace and love.

22 December 2014


We're in Nice today to visit the Christmas lights. This is my fabulous friend, Emmanuelle, jumping in front of a replica of what was once Nice's crystal casino - a pier, built over the sea and finished in 1891. The pier was closed in 1942 and stripped of its valuable metals, copper, brass, bronze and electric wiring, to be used by the German army.
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