24 December 2015

Monaco Fair

Get me outta here!

21 December 2015

Slot Machines

Playing the machines at a fair in Port Hercule. 

03 December 2015


How I wish they had a Nespresso shop in Monaco or Menton.  In fact the nearest is Nice. Love all the colours and that you can order a variety of coffee that isn't sold on their internet site.  After I'd ordered, I noticed a chocolate and ginger coffee - so I must go back ...

24 November 2015

Sunset at the Coulée Verte

The 'coulée verte' (green corridor) in Nice is a dream for photographers.  Here it is at sunset.

02 November 2015

Steve McCurry in Monaco

Only 9 days left to visit the fabulous Steve McCurry exhibition in Monaco.  What an amazing photographer he is! You'll find 100 photographs here, including his famous 'Afghan Girl.'

He writes: My life is shaped by the urgent need to wander and observe, and my camera is my passport.'

You'll find the exhibition at Salle d'Exposition Quai Antoine 1er, Monaco till 11th November. 13h - 19h. Closed Mondays.

01 November 2015

Coulée Verte, Nice

The kids have such fun at the Coulée Verte in Nice - and so do the photographers who love the water and steam and light and shadows!

29 October 2015

26 October 2015

Nice Street

We're in Nice today ... Avenue Jean Medecin.

15 October 2015


Monte Carlo shopping.

17 September 2015

Beach scene

Beauty at Larvotto Beach.

11 September 2015

Casino Square

A visitor with a crazy expression, the owner of the car and the parking attendant of the Hotel de Paris.

06 September 2015

Mist is fun!

Such fun to be had at the Coulée Verte in Nice.

01 September 2015


'Boules' at Plage Marquet, Cap d'Ail.

22 August 2015

Plage Marquet

Plage Marquet, Cap d'Ail - adjacent to Monaco.

19 August 2015

Larvotto Beach

Larvotto Beach, Monaco.  Three stars ...

10 August 2015

Jilly Jackson and Nina Papa at Cap Jazz

Another photo from stunning Jilly Jackson's fabulous evening at Cap Jazz. Jilly and her group, 'So Close' closed the festival. Here she and beautiful Brazilian singer, Nina Papa, who performed earlier, close the show to rapturous applause. A super evening.


Une autre photo de la  fabuleuse soirée de la superbe Jilly Jackson à Cap Jazz. Jilly et son groupe, So Close a clôturé le festival. Ici elle et la belle brésilienne, Nina Papa, qui a chanté avant, terminent le spectacle sous des applaudissements nourris. Une soirée super! 

09 August 2015

Jilly Jackson at Cap Jazz, Cap d'Ail

Jilly Jackson, Gorbio's fabulous 'diva' sang with her trio, So Close' at 'Cap Jazz' two nights ago. In fact, she closed the Cap d'Ail festival.

Jilly was, as always, sensational! Thanks Jilly!

(More tomorrow)


Jilly Jackson, la fabuleuse 'diva'  de Gorbio a chanté avec son trio, So Close, à 'Cap Jazz ' il y a deux nuits. En fait, elle fait la clôture du  festival de Cap d'Ail. 

Jilly était, comme toujours, sensationnel!  Merci Jilly!

08 August 2015

Beach party

Beach party at Restaurant le Lamparo, Plage Marquet, Cap d'Ail last night.

08 July 2015

'De l'Inutile a l'essentiel.'

Last night there was a large crowd for the vernissage in Cap d'Ail of Maxime Peregrini's and Barbara Lecomte's beautiful book 'De l'Inutile a l'essentiel.' 

Each page of the book and each display in this exhibition features one of Maxime's photos from New York City and one of Barbara's from India.  Each duo of photos displaying so beautifully the differences and the similarities in each culture.

Bravo to Maxime and Barbara - beautiful work!

The exhibition continues until the 22nd July at the Chateau des Terrasses at Cap d'Ail, just along the coast from Monaco. 

05 July 2015

Beach scene

Papa and child. This wasn't actually taken in Monaco but just along the coast in France.
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