08 June 2011

Sainte Cecile

On le rocher, look up and you might see this. Isn't she lovely...

The Fete Day of the Roman martyr, Sainte Cecile is celebrated on the 22nd November in Monaco. Sainte Cecile is often considered to be the patron saint of musicians.

The charming marble sculpture is by the artist Ange Zagoni.

07 June 2011

The Old Well

This lovely old well stands in the gardens of Monaco's new National Museum, Villa Paloma.

06 June 2011

Villa Paloma - the Pirate

This jolly Johnny Depp type stands outside the newly restored Villa Paloma, which is now the National Museum of Monaco. It's simply called 'Pirate Untitled 2008.'

He's overlooking Port Hercule and to the right le rocher. To his left is Cap Martin and beyond that Menton and Italy.

(Forgive me, I forgot to note the name of the sculptor and will add this at a later date. If anyone knows, do please jot me a comment or email.)

05 June 2011


A pretty entrance on Boulevard du Jardin Exotique.

04 June 2011

A Curtain of Bougainvillea

The Parc Princesse Antoinette is a garden for children high up in Monaco - it's near the Jardin Exotique and the new national museum of Monaco, the Villa Paloma.

This sculpture is almost hidden in the bougainvillea - there's a curtain of it along another wall. This is not my favourite colour bougainvillea - others love it. I find the colour too strident, too harsh when there are beautiful soft reds and apricots available. No matter - it's the toughest variety which is doubtless why it's used so much in the south of France, Italy and Monaco.

03 June 2011

La Turbie - Play Time

One of the great things about medieval villages is that the streets are too narrow for cars, so children can play freely.

02 June 2011

La Turbie - A restored village

La Turbie is a totally different sort of village to Gorbio, where I live. You won't find many ruins. It's much more restored and everywhere you'll see pots and plants and even handsome young men...

01 June 2011

La Turbie - Under Construction

If you are doing any construction work in the medieval village of La Turbie, then watch out as you carry old doors through the narrow streets. La Turbie stands at over 500 metres on the Grande Corniche above Monaco.

Please click here to view thumbnails for all participants in this month's theme of Under Construction.

31 May 2011

La Turbie

Let's leave the chaos of the Grand Prix for a few days and pop up to La Turbie, the charming medievale village above Monaco. La Turbie is best known for its extraordinary Trophée des Alpes, a sixth-century monument to the power of Rome but more of that another time...

So often, people think of La Turbie simply as an exit off the autoroute - the one between the Monaco and Menton exits. As you can see, it's so much more than that...

30 May 2011

La Rose des Vents

Looks like pretty girls with great legs work at La Rose des Vents restaurant on Larvotto.

29 May 2011

28 May 2011

Through the Rigging...

The port is a long way from the Casino yet look up, through the rigging of a yacht - a zoom lens helps - and there it is.

27 May 2011

Monaco Grand Prix - Opting Out

Of course, if you are fed up with the Grand Prix crowds and the noise you could always lie back and enjoy the sunshine on Larvotto Beach.

I'm not going to the Grand Prix this year but of course I'll be glued to the television as I am for every Grand Prix throughout the year. If you are in Monaco, enjoy... and if you are not, enjoy... should be a great race.

26 May 2011

Monaco Grand Prix - the Human Resources

Here's the list of human resources needed for the race...

650 Marshals
120 Professional Firefighters
30 Reanimation Doctors
40 Doctors (30 on the circuit, 10 for the spectators)
46 Nurses (30 on the circuit, 16 for the spectators)
250 Paramedics (80 on the track, 170 for the spectators)

25 May 2011

The Pit Lane and Yesterday's Fire at Ste. Devote

This lady is walking along the pit lane which, as of yesterday, was nose to tail with the team trucks.

In the smaller photo you can see a clearer shot of the pit lane with the stands opposite that house the television crews with the gallery above for the VIPs. In the background is le rocher.

Yesterday afternoon a truck caught fire at the Ste. Devote roundabout. The tyres exploded and the area was filled with thick black smoke. The fire brigade got it under control but the tarmac was been badly burned and the truck had sunk into the road with the heat. The track surface is now undergoing urgent repairs. Reports say this could mean that this famous first corner after the start will be very slippy as there won't have been enough time for the tarmac to 'seep' or set - indeed it could even break up with so many cars running on it during the practice sessions, the qualifying and of course the race itself.

To see photos and read more, click on THIS LINK.

24 May 2011

Monaco Grand Prix - a Swim Behind Bars

In two or three days, we'll be hearing Formula 1 cars screeching past the pool at Port Hercule but for the moment you can still take a swim, even though you are behind bars.

23 May 2011

Monaco Grand Prix - Reflection

This reflection, on a very shiny motorbike, shows a small boat being hoisted, ready to enter the water.

Port Hercule is buzzing with activity at the moment as the massive super yachts arrive for the Grand Prix - only a few days to go now...

22 May 2011

Monaco Grand Prix - Polishing the Yacht

It's not just the stands that have to be built - the yachts have to be polished...

This lovely boat is called Baboon and is registered in Hamilton.

21 May 2011

Monaco Grand Prix - Conversation between Bikers

Maybe this guy has come to the wrong Grand Prix? No matter ... the policeman, as always, is very helpful and anyway, take at look at the bikes in the smaller photo, one of which is his. He probably enjoys chatting with another biker.

The stand in the background overlooks the swimming pool - behind it: Port Hercule.

20 May 2011

Monaco Grand Prix - the Stands

Not long now and these stands will be jammed with Formula One fans. The construction goes on for months - I can't remember when it started but probably in March. Here's a list of what has been installed:

1100 tonnes of stands
900 tonnes of terraces
33 kilometres of security rails
20,000 square metres of wire netting
5000 protection tyres
500 fire extinquishers
32 surveillance cameras
10 cranes

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