Meet Natasha Frost
(she's on the left) and is one half of the incredible energy behind
Pink Ribbon Monaco. The lady on the right is Perrine Guyonnet, owner of
Miss Rose by Perrine and creator of amazing floral arrangements - it was she who organised the fabulous flowers along with the band of helpers you see in the photo below. She also supplied what seemed like a trillion pink balloons.
Natasha and Julia Speri-Kaukonen founded Pink Ribbon Monaco in 2011.
Natasha lived in Los Angeles during her studies and was very much aware of the Pink Ribbon movement that has been such a big part of women's lives in all major anglophone cities for nearly 30 years. The spirit of sisterhood, women supporting other women through illness, treatment and the aftermath of the illness, as well as the celebration of the lives of the victims has always touched her.
Although the Monaco health department is very active in screening and development, she felt that what was lacking is this spirit of female unity that is found elsewhere, and after Julia told her about her mother's battle with cancer, she shared with her the dream of creating Pink Ribbon Monaco. As Natasha says, 'Without Julia, it wouldn't have become a reality.' Julia was not able to be there for the inaugural walk for family reasons, but her support was felt, and Natasha says that she is very aware and grateful that without her, none of this would have been possible. 'We complete each other as she is very practical and what we call a "dooer," while I am more of a dreamer!'
Here is a bio of these two great women:
Julia Sperl-Kaukonen: Born in Vienna, Austria in 1973, Julia becomes a Monaco resident in 2002 after pursuing a successful career in finances, in New York. Sadly, Julia's mother was diagnosed with cancer but is happy to say that her mother is a survivor, having got the “all clear” in 2010. Julia is a lawyer.
Natasha Frost: Born in London, Natasha moved to the CĂŽte d’Azur aged five, over 30 years ago, where she pursued her education in French schools till moving to the United States to attend university. In California, she read history and literature. Throughout her studies and to the present day, she frequently volunteers in various community and charitable services, such as « California Soup Kitchen » (project in downtown Los Angeles to feed the homeless), a Women’s Centre on campus (crisis centre for women) and more recently «J’accĂšde » in Monaco, a national movement to draw attention to the public on the difficulties of access to certain areas for people with limited mobility. Breast cancer is a sensitive issue as both her aunt and grandmother were victims. Her aunt is a survivor. Natasha is a translator-interpreter.