02 August 2012

Le Sporting Monte Carlo - Champagne Nights ...

Our last day at Le Sporting (perhaps I should say evening) - and this is what it's all about - glamorous women, attentive waiters, embossed glasses and of course, buckets of champagne that glisten with condensation.

01 August 2012

Le Sporting Monte Carlo - the Mirrored Ceiling

In the foyer of Le Sporting, look up ... to see yourself and the spectacular floor.

31 July 2012

Le Sporting Monte Carlo - Eliza's dress?

Just outside the place where you leave your coat is this dress and hat in a glass display case. Perhaps it belonged to Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady?

30 July 2012

Le Sporting Monte Carlo - the Rollng Stones

We still in the foyer of Le Sporting Monte Carlo.  And on the walls: portraits of the Rolling Stones.

29 July 2012

Le Sporting Monte Carlo - the Bike

This swanky looking bike is displayed in the foyer of Le Sporting, Monte Carlo.  I suppose it's a Harley Davidson but really I haven't a clue.

28 July 2012

Le Sporting Monte Carlo - the Foyer

The foyer of Le Sporting.  These people are waiting to enter the Salles des Etoiles - it's off to the right, out of shot.

Rather fabulous floor, don't you think ...

27 July 2012

Salle des Etoiles - under the Stars

The roof of the Salle des Etoiles has been opened.  Look up and we see the stars.  And there, through one of the enormous open windows is the moon.

26 July 2012

Salle des Etoiles, Le Sporting Monte Carlo

This is a small part of the dining area of the Salle des Etoiles at Le Sporting Monte Carlo.  This shot was taken shortly after it opened at 20h.30 and within minutes was filling up fast for the Hugh Laurie evening.

Later, the ceiling will be opened and we'll dine under the stars - hence the name ...

25 July 2012

Hugh Laurie in Monte Carlo

Hugh Laurie and the Copper Bottom Band blew us all away in the Salle des Etoiles at Le Sporting in Monte Carlo last night.  He had us up on our feet clapping to the sounds of New Orleans jazz and blues.  This guy is a GREAT piano player - and he sings, he plays guitar and of course he's the witty, adorable, charming Hugh Laurie we know and love.  A great night - thanks Hugh Laurie!

That's Sister Jean McClain in the last photo and she sure can sing ...

24 July 2012

Armagnac 1898

A bottle of 1898 Armagnac on display in the Hediard shop at the Metropole Centre in Monaco.  This was taken through two layers of glass: the window of the shop and the display case - so call the result artistic! Wonder if the Armagnac is drinkable?

23 July 2012

The Jellyfish Net - 3

And here's how the jellyfish net appears when you are sitting on the beach - just a line across the water.  Presumably if people use the diving platform that you see beyond beyond the barrier, they'd wear wetsuits or risk getting stung.

Probably best to sit on the beach and look at the posh yachts on the horizon ...

22 July 2012

The Jellyfish Net - 2

Another view of the jellyfish net at Larvotto Beach.  This one runs from the centre across to beach of the restaurant, La Rose des Vents with the green Grimaldi Forum building to the left. We saw the Grimaldi Forum, with the rhinocerus on the roof, the other day ... 

21 July 2012

The Jellyfish Net

Thanks to the jellyfish net people can swim safely at Larvotto Beach.  It's 07h.30 and a good time to swim before the heat of the day although the sun is already blinding.   The patterns in the water are reflections of the tall buildings on Avenue Princesse Grace.

20 July 2012

'Extra Large' at the Grimaldi Forum

You don't see a giant rhinocerus on top of the Grimaldi Forum every day but then you don't have an exhibition called 'Extra Large' in Monaco everyday.  The exhibition presents 50 monumental paintings, sculptures and installations from the Centre Pompidou in Paris and will be on show at the Grimaldi Forum until the 9th September.

From CityOutMonaco (click to see a video) : 'The exhibition includes large-format paintings by Joan MirĂł, Jean Dubuffet, Matta, Joan Mitchell, Jacques Monory, Pierre Soulages, Frank Stella, Sam Francis, and Yan Pei-Ming; and sculptures and installations by Joseph Beuys, Christian Boltanski, Daniel Buren, Richard Long, Alain SĂ©chas and Jean Tinguely. Also represented will be the work of Sol LeWitt, Anish Kapoor and Bill Viola - all masterpieces linked by one unusual factor - their sheer monumental size.'

The first photo was taken from inside the Japanese Gardens.

19 July 2012

La Spiaggia - the Iguana

Remember the animal climbing down the wall at La Spiaggia? See small pic.  Most of us thought it was a cat or perhaps a panther.

Well here it is - a dragon? Or is it a lizard?

It's an iguana!  Thanks so much to R and Jim. 

18 July 2012

Early One Morning ...

Monaco, taken from Roquebrune at 07h.15 yesterday. 

There's a new roundabout on the way to Monaco from Menton and miraculously, there were several newly created (and empty) parking spaces nearby.  It's always been impossible to park in this particular place. I crossed the road and snapped.  Should have lugged the tripod out of the car so it's just a hand-held shot.     

17 July 2012

Staircase at the Oceanographic Museum

The monumental stairscase leading to the first floor at the Oceanographic Museum.

16 July 2012

Lamplight at the Oceanographic Museum

One of the beautiful lamps at the Oceanographic Museum.

15 July 2012

Marc Quinn at the Oceanographic Museum - Kate Moss

Marc Quinn has created several sculptures of British supermodel, Kate Moss in contorted yoga poses. "Microcosmos (Siren)" was made in 2008.  A duplicate, made out of ten kilograms of 18-carat gold sold at Sotheby's for $900,000.

No comment ...

14 July 2012

Marc Quinn at the Oceanographic Museum - the Origin of the World

Yesterday, we saw a real shell (cassis madagascariensis) from the 17th century that had been carved into a cameo.

Today, here is a sculpture from the Marc Quinn exhibition showing exactly that same species of shell but somewhat larger!  It's made of bronze and is called The Origin of the World ( Cassis madagascariensis) Longitudes. It stands just inside the entrance of the museum.

Much of Marc Quinn's work ties in beautifully with the permanent exhibits at the Oceanographic Museum.
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